Alyson Court credited as playing...
- John Bixby: We don't have to win medals to be champs.
- Dawn Killeen: We're friends, and when we need each other, the others will be there!
- John Bixby: Good friends are the real champs, Christy.
- Dark Heart: What have I done? Help me, Care Bears!You must bring this child back from where I sent her.
- True Heart Bear, Noble Heart Horse: We... we can't.
- Noble Heart Horse: It would take more love and caring then even we have all put together.
- Dark Heart: No! You've got to do something. What good is all your love, your caring, if it cannot save this child? If you can't help, who can?
- Dawn Killeen: We care! We all really care! There have to be people who care as much as we do! People somewhere... anywhere!
- True Heart Bear: If all of us and everyone everywhere all cared together, it just might be enough to save Christy.
- Noble Heart Horse: Everyone, hold hands, and together, open your hearts and your ears, and listen real hard for the voice of all those who care!
- Cheer Bear: We care... we care...
- [everyone joins in chanting "We care!"]
- True Heart Bear: [to the audience] If you have ever cared, do it now. Help us! Tell us you care! Tell your friend next to you that you care. Tell them how much you care! Tell them again! Say it! Shout it! Help us! We care! We care!
- Christina 'Christy' Davis-Timbs: Since I've been Camp Champ, I've never made you do trash duty or pushed you in the mud. No one laughs at you anymore when you trip or fall on your face. I won't let 'em! I can't go back to being a nobody, not now!
- Dawn Killeen: You were never a nobody, Christy.
- John Bixby: You were always good at being our friend.
- Dawn Killeen: And a friend is the most special person in the world!
- Christina 'Christy' Davis-Timbs: I wish just once I could be Camp Champ! I hate being last, and I hate being here!
- Dawn Killeen: So do we, Kristy. We can't swim, we can't paddle a boat.
- John Bixby: He's right. We'll always be last, and we'll always be on trash duty.
- Dawn Killeen: And on camp laundry.
- Christina 'Christy' Davis-Timbs: Well, not me, not anymore!