Winona Ryder credited as playing...
- [Lucas quietly joins the kids in the cafeteria, sad over the distance between him and Maggie]
- Ben: [Ben shouts out to Lucas] Lucas! We're over here.
- Ben: Sit down. We're trying to figure out how to get rid of this jackass band teacher. I hate the idiot's guts.
- Tonto: Too bad Treichel had to kill himself.
- Ben: Yeah, Why'd he have to kill himself and leave us with this jackass.
- Tonto: Sex-crazed, that's why.
- Rena: He wasn't sex-crazed, he was in love.
- Tonto: With a dental technician?
- Rena: Not everybody has to be glamorous to have someone fall in love with them.
- Tonto: You don't kill yourself over a dental technician.
- Rena: You ever hear of Romeo and Juliet?
- Tonto: Was she a dental technician?
- Rena: No, but people do kill themselves when they can't have who they love.
- Ben: I thought he had a heart attack.
- Tonto: No heart attack, my man. He blew his brains out with a book of poetry open and a rose in the page.
- Rena: I think it's kind of beautiful, the poetry, I mean. It was probably Keats or Shelley.
- [Lucas sits quietly watching the football players at the other table]
- [Lucas sits outside of the school dance when Rena joins him at his side]
- Rena: Lucas, is that you? What are you doing?
- Lucas: Nothing much.
- Rena: You look nice.
- Lucas: Thank you.
- [Rena sits next to Lucas]
- Rena: Drinking beer?
- Lucas: Dragonfly Nymph. You ever see one?
- [Lucas holds up a beer bottle with a bug inside]
- Rena: Oh, it's ugly. Glad it's not bigger than me.
- Lucas: It turns into something very beautiful, Rena.
- Rena: Is that possible?
- Lucas: Yeah, can you imagine that? Turning from something ugly into something beautiful.
- Rena: No. Frankly, I can't.
- [pause]
- Rena: You going to bring it to Carlson?
- [Lucas then throws the bottle as it splashes in the water]
- Rena: I thought you had a date.
- Lucas: Nah.
- Rena: Well, are you going in?
- [Lucas nods no]
- Rena: Why not?
- Lucas: Thinking.
- Rena: About what?
- Lucas: Romeo and Juliet.
- Rena: Really? How come?
- Lucas: How old were they? Do you know?
- Rena: She was 13, and I guess he was about the same. Why?
- Lucas: Two different worlds, huh?
- Rena: Romeo and Juliet? Yeah.
- Lucas: That can be a problem.