I recently watched The Naked Cage (1986) on Prime. The storyline follows a woman unjustly imprisoned in a women's facility, where she must navigate cliques among the inmates and contend with a corrupt warden who has her own twisted desires. The warden controls the prison through spies who can make life easier or harder for inmates. As the young woman starts to understand the dangerous dynamics inside, even her allies begin to turn against her. Can she survive, or will the prison system destroy her?
Written and directed by Paul Nicholas (Night of the Archer), the film stars Shari Shattuck (Spy Hard), Angel Tompkins (The Teacher), Nick Benedict (Get a Job), and John Terlesky (Deathstalker II).
This is a classic 80s prison drama, complete with all the era's iconic elements. The cast of gorgeous women, 80s hairstyles, and a lively soundtrack make it fun to watch. There are some entertaining action scenes, like the opening robbery, the fight sequences, and the predictable but enjoyable prison riot at the end. The film also has its fair share of girl-on-girl action, nudity, and the inevitable shower scene-though that didn't play out quite as expected. The warden's office looking like a set straight out of a porn film was unintentionally hilarious. However, as you'd expect, there's inconsistent acting, over-the-top situations, and predictable plot points-though they're fun in a campy way.
In conclusion, The Naked Cage is a fun 80s prison drama, but you'll need to manage your expectations. I'd score it a 5-5.5/10 and recommend it only if you're looking for some nostalgic, over-the-top entertainment.