Steve Guttenberg credited as playing...
Sgt. Mahoney
- [after hearing Hedges' call for help]
- Cadet Fackler: Did you read that? Was that for real?
- Cadet Karen Adams: We heard it. Sir?
- Cmndt. Lassard: Maybe we'd better check it out.
- Sgt. Carey Mahoney: What about the evaluation?
- Cmndt. Lassard: One of my boys might be in trouble. Screw the evaluation!
- Sgt. Carey Mahoney: I love it when you talk dirty, sir.
- [Cmndt Lassard drops his fish bowl out of his office window]
- Cmndt. Lassard: AHH. MAHONEY.
- [Sgt Mahoney catches the Cmdt's fishbowl]
- Cmndt. Lassard: Thanks, Mahoney.
- Sgt. Carey Mahoney: Your welcome, sir.
- Cadet Karen Adams: You see this ear, Mahoney? It's a finely tuned crap detector.
- Sgt. Carey Mahoney: Oh, and what a lovely ear it is. If I blow in it, will you follow me anywhere?