- Mark Landry: Hiya Becky! Hey you dropped your purse. Sorry I'm late.
- Becky Franklin: Who do you think you are?
- Mark Landry: Steve McQueen? Hey, look i'm sorry but after what happened last night your lucky i'm here at all. You'll never believe...
- Becky Franklin: Lucky? Do you know how long I've been waiting?
- Mark Landry: Sorry!
- Becky Franklin: If I miss that audition, I'll wring your neck.
- Mark Landry: Hey...
- Becky Franklin: Taxi!
- Mark Landry: Ah... Becky, wait! You'll never make it that way!
- Taxi Driver: Where to?
- Becky Franklin: Central broadcasting studio downtown.
- Taxi Driver: I hope your not in any hurry, lady.
- Mark Landry: Becky, are you crazy? It's bumper to bumper downtown. C'mon. Give me one more chance?
- Becky Franklin: Guess I don't have much choice.
- Mark Landry: You don't if you want to get there on time. Hang on!
- Becky Franklin: Woah!
- Mark Landry: Hey knock it off, you're making me nervous!
- Becky Franklin: I'm making you nervous?
- Mark Landry: Why don't I come to this dance audition with ya? To give ya moral support?
- Becky Franklin: I think I can handle it!
- Kelley Stevens: Wait, hold that pose, don't move. Got it! This film will be a masterpiece! Here, This is the part I love! Look at that bike did ya ever see anything like it?
- Becky Franklin: No, That's what worry's me...
- Stacy Embry: [the phone rings] City dump, hello? Oh, hi Mark, We've been watching your screen test.
- Mark Landry: Stacy, put Becky on, I gotta speak with her, it's important.
- Stacy Embry: I bet! You movie stars think everything you do is important! Hang on.
- Becky Franklin: Hi Mark, What is it? Not Eve again?
- Mark Landry: She's got some kind of talk show right?
- Eve: I need your help, Mark. The enemy's I mentioned are here to extract the data stored here in my memory matrix. Once they have it, they will destroy the Earth. The process is already under way I don't know who it is but someone with access to my higher functions has begun transmitting the information to them. Soon, they will have everything they want.
- Col. B.D. Andrews: I am Colonel B.D. Andrews speaking for the supreme military command of the united Earth government. The time has come to refute a preposterous rumor that is spreading throughout the population. Recent military maneuvers in the northern province have been misinterpreted by the irresponsible people as evidence that we have been attacked or invaded by an enemy power. If you hear these rumors, ignore them we have not been invaded, nor are we at war!
- Mark Landry: Alright, so I don't own you. Nobody owns you. But can I at least borrow you for tonight?
- Mark Landry: Now I know why you guys asked me in your movie.
- Becky Franklin: Well, I gotta confess you were the only fellow we knew with a motorcycle.
- Mark Landry: So my acting ability didn't count?
- Becky Franklin: That came into it a little bit.
- Kelly Stevens: [while filming Mark and Becky with her camera] Hey, let's have a shot of you on the freeway. Don't just sit there, show me what that mean machine can do! What are ya waiting for? Let 'er rip!
- Mark Landry: I bet she'd be a lot happier if she could drive by itself!
- Becky Franklin: C'mon, Mark, be a sport.
- Mark Landry: I cant even believe I let you people talk me into this stupid thing, this bike doesn't even belong to me.
- Becky Franklin: You're behaving like you stole it.
- Mark Landry: I didn't, but to some people, that might not matter very much.
- Becky Franklin: What do you mean? What people, what's the story behind this machine? Where'ed it come from?
- Mark Landry: Forget it.
- Becky Franklin: Listen, Mark if you've gotten yourself into some kind of trouble and you needed help, tell me about it.