Colleen Dewhurst credited as playing...
Golda Meir
- Golda Meir: For this reason more than anything I hate the terrorists,: they're forcing our sons to become killers.
- Golda Meir: Jews? Who are we? For 2000 years, we have been born with a faith and a hope. But you, you Avner, were born with something else. You were born here. You can say to the world... "I am a Jew" and also "This is my home". We have a homeland again. A Jewish State. The State of Israel. It exists to protect us from our enemies and provide us with a haven in this world where we can live in peace. But they will not let us live in peace. Once again, they're killing and terrorizing Jews all over the world. Innocent people, even children. In planes, on buses, in schools. In Athens, in Zurich, in Tel Aviv. And now... in Munich. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is playing volleyball and winning medals. So, we are alone, as we have always been. Since no one will defend us, we must defend ourselves. Maybe these terrorists will not let us live in peace, but I promise you that Israel will chop off the hands of those who will cut short the lives of our children. This terrorism, all terrorism, must be stopped! And this is why you are here. I have decided to strike back. We have been reluctant to change policy but the guilty must not go unpunished. This is my decision and my responsibility. We will meet force with force.