Alejandro Rey credited as playing...
- [Spiro sees the movie playing on Stanley's TV]
- Spiro: Fantastic idea for a movie! Martians diddling the women of the universe.
- Stanley Putterman: Yeah, yeah, yeah... you got it, Spiro. Intergalactic swingers.
- [Cherry and Spiro express that Sherman should be in the movies]
- Cherry: You know, you really got a cute kid there. Have you ever thought about putting him in the movies? I mean, I know a really sweet agent.
- Raquel Putterman: Oh, God no. Sherman's much too neurotic to be an actor.
- Stanley Putterman: Yeah, the only thing the kid is interested in is being a soldier.
- Spiro: Ahh, such a manly pursuit - raping and pillaging and creating life, but taking it away. Like the gods of the ancient Greeks.
- [Raquel and Spiro decide to make drinks together]
- Raquel Putterman: Spiro, why don't you come and out me make the drinks?
- Spiro: Excellent idea. I make a wonderful Margarita. Very unusual.
- Stanley Putterman: Go for it!
- Spiro: [to Raquel] Raquel, do you have Ouzo?
- Raquel Putterman: Uh, no, I don't even know what it is.
- Spiro: Too bad. I make a delicious Ouzo Margarita!
- [Spiro asks Raquel if Stanley is a manly man]
- Spiro: So tell me, Raquel, is Stanley a manly man?
- Raquel Putterman: [Raquel smiles] Oh, God, yes. A real stallion.
- Spiro: No, what I mean is does Stanley take it like a man?
- Raquel Putterman: Oh, yeah. I guess so.
- Spiro: [Spiro smiles] I thought so.
- Raquel Putterman: And what about you, Spiro? Are you a really manly man?
- Spiro: [Spiro smiles big] Oh, yes, indeed. Spiro Xeros is the manliest of men.
- [Spiro tells Raquel he likes boys]
- Spiro: Well, I'm Greek you know.
- Raquel Putterman: Oh, of course, you're Greek. It said so in the classifieds. Oh, don't worry. We're not prejudice.
- Spiro: No, no, no. You don't understand. I am into Greek. I am into Greek culture. I like boys.
- Spiro: [Raquel in shock, as Spiro smiles bigger] Stanley is such a manly man.