David Andrews credited as playing...
Sam Treadwell
- Sam Treadwell: There was tenderness. A dreamlike quality about her. There was romance.
- E. Johnson: Romance?
- Sam Treadwell: Yeah, romance!
- E. Johnson: With a robot! I mean, we are talking about a robot, aren't we?
- Slim: You got to face it Sam, this is 2017. Even the best tracker couldn't find a Cherry in these parts.
- Sam Treadwell: Well, what am I going to do, Slim? It's a Cherry or nothing!
- Six Fingered Jake: You gonna tell me what you and Speed are doin' out here?
- E. Johnson: Just goin' into the yard to get one of those sex robots for Sam. His other one broke down from overexertion, it sounds like.
- Sam Treadwell: It wasn't like that!
- E. Johnson: It wasn't? "Are you all right? Here, lay your head here. Ah, is that your hand?"
- Sam Treadwell: We talked! I could talk to her.
- E. Johnson: Yeah, right. "Faster. Ah, faster!"
- Sam Treadwell: You could never understand with that tiny Neanderthal brain of yours.
- E. Johnson: At least I have a brain!
- E. Johnson: Now, what is it you want?
- [Sam reaches in his jacket, Johnson pulls out a her gun]
- E. Johnson: Not so fast.
- [Sam pulls out a photograph]
- Sam Treadwell: She's a Cherry 2000. I want you to go into Zone 7 and get me one just like her.
- E. Johnson: This isn't a dating service.
- E. Johnson: [looking at a map] The robot graveyard is over here. I figure eight hours of driving will get us into the yard about four in the morning. It gives you about 15 minutes to find your doll.
- Sam Treadwell: 15 minutes?
- E. Johnson: At the most. There'll be sirens screaming, patrols everywhere, dogs, you name it, the whole shootin' match.
- Sam Treadwell: You lied to me. You say a lot of things about Cherry; but, she never lied.
- E. Johnson: Yeah? Well, I'm not a fucking machine!
- Sam Treadwell: [about Lester] The man is a psychopathic killer.
- Ginger: Don't impose your values on me, Sam.
- E. Johnson: Her eyes are red dots.
- Sam Treadwell: That's from the flash. That's where the red comes from. If I took a picture of you, the same thing would happen.
- E. Johnson: Why would you want to take a picture of me?
- Sam Treadwell: I said, "if". "If".
- Sam Treadwell: Look at yourself. You're a mess!
- E. Johnson: Well, we can't all be glamorpusses, 24-hours a day!
- Cherry 2000: [her attempt at robot humor] I learned something today, too. What do these have in common: lightning rods, fig newtons, escalators, ballpoint pens and Vaseline?
- Sam Treadwell: Vaseline? Hmm. I don't know. I give up.
- Cherry 2000: [the punch line] They were all invented by Americans.
- Sam Treadwell: [at the run-down Glory Hole Hotel; he rings the bell] I'd like a room for the night. The name's Treadwell.
- Glory Hole Clerk: [brusquely] That'll be buck-50 for the night. We run clean place. We like things quiet. The rule is: you can't bring robot in after 11:00. Alright? We got big selection of Winifreds and Janes and Marilyns. So you don't have to go draggin' no robot in here.
- Sam Treadwell: Have you got any Cherrys?
- Glory Hole Clerk: [snaps at him] Cherrys? Where you come from?