- Daffy Duck: Okay, so where's the fire? It's in the oven, I presume.
- [He opens the oven to find an artic landscape inside]
- Daffy Duck: Whoops, my mistake. Nothing a little Oozy-off couldn't fix.
- [He opens the fridge; flames come out from inside]
- Daffy Duck: Must be the frost-free kind
- Melissa Duck: Ouyay upidstay erkjay!
- Daffy Duck: Gosh, and I thought French was the romantic language.
- Daffy Duck: [reading] "Of utmost importance in the exorcism of spirits is to keep them amused." Keep them amused, huh? I'll slay 'em. A guy comes up to me on the street, says he hasn't had a bite in weeks. So I bit him.
- [a ghost appears]
- Daffy Duck: Howdy, stranger. Just flew in from another world, I see. I bet your arms are tired.
- [a second ghost appears]
- Daffy Duck: They don't seem all that amused. Must be the culture gap. I'll hit a little closer to home. Did you hear about the girl who didn't pay her exorcism bill? Her soul got repossessed.
- Daffy Duck: Hokay, when did you start having these visions?
- [Woman breathes fire on him]
- Daffy Duck: You're blocking!
- Daffy Duck: So folks, call Daffy Duck, paranormalist at large. Spooks spooked, goblins gobbled, UFOs K.O.'d, aliens alienated, vampires evaporated, and monsters remonstrated!