Anton Rodgers credited as playing...
George Berenson
- George Berenson: [George just found out that his South African contact is a Russian spy] Oh my God... what have I done?
- Sir Nigel Irvine: You've betrayed your country. You've passed on untold numbers of military secrets to Moscow, and endangered the lives of British men and women. And I'd say you've weakened NATO. Perhaps irretrievably.
- George Berenson: Oh my God...
- Sir Nigel Irvine: Just you, and your schoolboy politics, and your idiotically conceited faith in your own importance.
- [pause]
- Sir Nigel Irvine: Now some of our more muscular colleagues would like to lock you in a cell and go to work on you with a carving knife and a pair of pliers. The rest would like to feed you to the newspapers and throw whatever's left into prison for 20 years. It's a tricky choice.
- [Smiles ever so slightly, pauses]
- Sir Nigel Irvine: However, this is what you will do. You shall resume your special relationship with Moscow, but this time I will be supplying the papers. Do you understand?
- [George nods]
- Sir Nigel Irvine: And later, when you are finished, we will decide what to do with you.
- George Berenson: [very shakily] I'm very grateful, Nigel.
- Sir Nigel Irvine: Hello, George. Had a good holiday? Not missing anything, are you?
- [lays out George's stolen diamonds]
- Sir Nigel Irvine: These are yours, I believe. But these, beyond a doubt...
- [lays out the stolen NATO documents]
- Sir Nigel Irvine: Never were.
- George Berenson: I don't suppose there's very much I can say, is there?
- Sir Nigel Irvine: I don't know. Try me.
- George Berenson: All right. Well, for years now I have adopted the attitude that there was only one struggle on the planet worth a damn: the fight against world communism. And, it has long seemed to me ridiculous that the most committed anti-Communists in the Southern Hemisphere, the South Africans, should be excluded from NATO planning merely because of some... unfashionable domestic attitudes.