When Marc and Reggie go out to see a movie, they see The Jet Benny Show (1986). This was director Roger Evans's previous film.
Diane Johnson's (Holly) only role and nude scenes. She was a close friend of screenwriter Freeman Williams and she was the first person he thought of when they had to find an actress who would perform totally naked for very little money for the one nude scene in the script because he knew she had a bit of an exhibitionist streak. Williams introduced her to director Roger Evans, who immediately cast her after confirming she had no problem being nude.
Writer Freeman Williams said the script originally only had one shot of Diane Johnson (Holly) naked. It was when her fully nude mutilated body was discovered in the shower. But director Roger Evans said that he wanted to build tension leading up to the discovery rather than just having one sudden shock. So they added the scene where Johnson removed her robe and entered the shower, as well as a close up of her showering. Williams said he suspected Evans just wanted to spend more time filming her naked after learning she was very comfortable being nude in front of people. He even had her fully nude for the close up shot even though the camera only showed her from the chest up.
For Holly's shower disembowelment makeup effect, actress Diane Johnson had to undergo a full-torso foam latex casting, a process that took most of an afternoon. It took two makeup men to do the casting. She wore a skimpy bikini during the casting, but had to be fully nude when the fake torso was attached in the shower and fake guts applied before filming. She joked with the guys that it was probably the most fun they had doing makeup for the movie.
Last of only two films directed by Roger Evans.