10 reviews
This wintry slice of North Plains Americana works like an antique book of hours, capturing with uncanny accuracy the dormant lives of small town people whose existence is measured by the length of their memories and by the passing hours of each slow day. The film has a striking sense of place, with the lonely town of Rachel River, Minnesota, providing its most compelling character. All the other roles, from Pamela Reed's independent single mother and backwoods radio jockey to Craig T. Nelson's crude, shabby deputy sheriff, are only extensions of the town's own faded spirit, and the sometimes meandering storyline follows a measured, halting rhythm of life in isolation. Not always consistent, but a beautiful mood piece, with haunting landscapes photographed by Paul Elliott.
I saw this film when it was first released, on the big screen in Los Angeles (in Century City's multi-plex, for those of you who know the city).
It was lovely. The audience, including me, was completely rapt. All these years later, I still remember scenes and images from Rachel River. Vivica Linfors is particularly strong here.
The biggest vote of endorsement came at the end of the film, when THE ENTIRE THEATER AUDIENCE spontaneously rose to their feet and gave the film a long STANDING OVATION.
Believe me, the times this happens with a jaded LA audience are few and far between. The film is that good - nuanced storytelling and performances, lovely cinematography, thoughtful and sensitive direction and editing.
I only wish it was available on Netflx. Maybe if enough of us request it Netflix will add it. This is one film that must not be lost to the dustbins of history.
It was lovely. The audience, including me, was completely rapt. All these years later, I still remember scenes and images from Rachel River. Vivica Linfors is particularly strong here.
The biggest vote of endorsement came at the end of the film, when THE ENTIRE THEATER AUDIENCE spontaneously rose to their feet and gave the film a long STANDING OVATION.
Believe me, the times this happens with a jaded LA audience are few and far between. The film is that good - nuanced storytelling and performances, lovely cinematography, thoughtful and sensitive direction and editing.
I only wish it was available on Netflx. Maybe if enough of us request it Netflix will add it. This is one film that must not be lost to the dustbins of history.
- KarenSantaFe
- Jan 27, 2012
- Permalink
All of my movie reviews so far have been really positive & praiseworthy. But the time has come to finally cut up a movie for what it is, and this is a good one to start with. Rachel River is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. What was Craig T Nelson thinking of when he was offered a part in this first class clunker? It's a good thing that Coach was a hit for him or his acting career would have been in a landfill site along with the script of this sham of a picture. I would have rather stood in a corner and stared at the wall for 88mins. Two other things that I can,t get over, is the fact that this movie won an award from the U.S Film Festival for Best Cinematography. WHAT A STINKIN JOKE!!!! It should have won the award for turkey of the year. The other thing is, why would they release this movie on Laser Disc? This was one of the .50cent discs that I bought when Camelot had a huge blow out sale, but I felt ripped off at even paying .50cents for this awful movie called Rachel River. I hope that this film is waiting for 5 votes for a long time. It should be taken out of your data base. TOTAL CRAP!!!!!
I saw the premire of this film in my hometown, where some of it was filmed. After seeing the cast, I had high hopes that this would be an excellent film. Even though I prefer character and plot movies, this one left me behind. The story was too plodding, even for me. I guess my 1st clue that this was a loser, was when only the director showed up for the premier. Apparently all of the significant performers realized too, that this one was a
I am at a complete loss as to why anyone, aside from brain-dead action movie fans, would dislike this small gem of a film. I saw "Rachel River" at the US (now Sundance) Film Festival, and I--along with most the other festival-goers--found it a moving, thought-provoking examination of life in small-town America. It easily deserves the awards it won that year in Park City: the cinematography beautifully invokes the chill and alienation of mid-West America in the dead of winter, Viveca Lindfors gives a touching performance as an elderly woman looking back on her life, and Pamela Reed is haunting as a young woman living a life of quiet desperation in a bleak environment. "Rachel River" bears comparison to a number of other memorable and melancholy films about fading hopes and lost opportunities, films like "You Can Count on Me," "Loving," "The Sweet Hereafter," and "Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams."
Maybe the first commentator, Dave, is a 'terminator' type guy. If you are looking for fast cuts, lots of action and have a short attention span this movie is not for you. If you like slower, slice of life, meandering movies you will like this. I thought the acting was good and the story dealt with life's little uncertainties in a convincing way.
Other comments notwithstanding, this is a very good film. Literate, understated, atmospheric, with good understanding of the human condition, and sympathetic treatment of character. Definitely not a film for action freaks, but a treat for those who appreciate depth and characterization. A solid 8.
The attempt to make a movie of this subtlety in the United States of the late 1980s was extraordinary, and the measure of how simply yet successfully it was done equally so. The result is moving and exemplary, and especially so for screenwriters, for it shows how much can be done at little cost if a company of filmmakers commit themselves to focusing upon people rather than hype. Readers of this comment needn't read further, for it ends here. However, the 'guidelines' for posting require me to 'hype' its length to ten lines - so I am obliged to repeat: RACHEL RIVER is moving and exemplary, and especially so for screenwriters, for it shows how much can be done at little cost if a company of filmmakers commit themselves to focusing upon people rather than hype.
Pamela Reed gives the best performance of her career is this wonderful, thought-provoking film. She plays Mary Graving, a divorced woman with two children. I think this is the kind of movie that you will either love or hate. I loved it. I've watched it probably a dozen times since I first discovered it on PBS. All of the actors are great; in fact, the acting is very low-key but to me that's what made this such a great movie. The characters are real, it's easy to believe in them as they go about their daily lives in a small town during a snowy winter. James Olson is very good as a would-be suitor and Craig T. Nelson makes the most out of a small role. Viveca Lindfors is always worth watching but it's Pamela Reed's performance that makes the movie a winner. I was kind of surprised that she didn't get any awards for this, her performance is that good. She makes the character of Mary Graving a interesting, flawed, complex individual, IMHO. Go to netflix.com, get this movie and let yourself be caught up in this film and the residents of Rachel River.
- elliottrainbow
- Aug 31, 2009
- Permalink
If you want car chases, gunfights and explosions, this isn't the movie for you. If you enjoy the craft of simple storytelling, small town life and the picturesque nature of Sandstone Minnesota, well, then I think you should buy this movie.