I like this movie. First off, you have underrated actors DB Sweeney and Moira Kelly showing their stuff. It is probably their best film they have made. The chemistry is great between the two. You can tell that when they fly insults at each other. The whole cast does a good job and the scenery is nice. I usually don't like films that use Canada as a backdrop for a US city, but in this case, It does a good job as a replacement for Minnesota and suburban New England.
My favorite scene is where they are ready to skate their first performance together. Doug goes backstage and lets out some of his bodily fluids. He goes back to explain to Kate that he always had two helmets and it usually took him 10 minutes to warm up for a game. Kate reminds him that their program is only 2 1/2 minutes. He stares blankly at her and says, "So eight minutes afterward, I'll be okay" LOL. I always think of that line when I am nervous and going into something major.
There are a few cameos by other skating personalities such as Robin Cousins (who also was the technical advisor) and Jo Jo Starbuck. There aren't many ice skating films out there and there are a few that are good. This is one of the few. TOEPICK!!!