Kevin McCarthy credited as playing...
Terry Corrigan
- Thomas Jefferson Johnson: Terry, tell me something. With all this money coming in from both sides, how does anything ever get done?
- Terry Corrigan: It doesn't. That's the genius of the system.
- Dick Dodge: [after inviting them to join their conversation, referring to the controversy that electromagnetic fields from powerlines cause cancer] Thomas and I were just talking about... powerlines
- Thomas Jefferson Johnson: [referring to including the EPA to investigate this controversy] I think we ought to have those hearings
- Dick Dodge: well, now look Thomas, why don't we get Olaf's "take" on this?
- Olaf Andersen: well, it's tragic, I mean cancer's a terrible thing but there's no way you can "link" it to powerlines: now the "truth" is...
- Thomas Jefferson Johnson: [interrupts him] wait a minute, there's been "studies" that shows...
- Zeke Bridges: [interrupts him] every "study" that says "one thing", I'll show you a "study" saying another. We've "studied" this ourselves
- Thomas Jefferson Johnson: what if you guys are all wrong?
- Olaf Andersen: well, Thomas, do you want us to move the powerlines? I mean, do you know how much it'll cost to bury those things in Florida alone? We're talking five billion dollars
- Zeke Bridges: not counting the liability claims
- Terry Corrigan: how would you like it for the people in your district to think of you as the fella who tripled their electric bill?
- Thomas Jefferson Johnson: [after thinking it over] I just thought that if we had the hearings...
- Terry Corrigan: [interrupts him] think of it for a moment, son. You hold your hearings, overnight, everyone who lives near a substation will find the value of his home in the toilet: you'll "kill" the real estate market
- Zeke Bridges: you'll "kill" the insurance company
- Terry Corrigan: you'll "kill" the school district
- Olaf Andersen: you'll kill" the local economy
- Dick Dodge: [referring to these difficult decisions come with the job of holding political office] son, the system ain't perfect but the "fleas" come with the dog"
- Thomas Jefferson Johnson: maybe I should think about it, huh?