J.T. Walsh credited as playing...
Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [voice over, as we see Markinson putting on his full class A dress uniform. It is his suicide note] Dear Mr. and Mrs. Santiago, I was William's executive officer. I knew your son vaguely, which is to say I knew his name. In a matter of time, the trial of the two men charged with your son's death will be concluded, and seven men and two women whom you've never met will try to offer you an explanation as to why William is dead. For my part, I've done as much as I can to bring the truth to light. And the truth is this: Your son is dead for only one reason. I wasn't strong enough to stop it. Always, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Andrew Markinson, United States Marine Corps.
- [puts pistol in his mouth, we hear a gunshot as the scene changes back to the courtroom]
- Col. Jessup: [in Jessup's office after Kendrick was asked to leave] Matthew, sit down, please.
- [Lt. Col. Markinson sits]
- Col. Jessup: What do you think of Kendrick?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Nathan, I don't think that my opinion of Kendrick has any...
- Col. Jessup: I think he's kind of a weasel, myself. But he's an awfully good officer, and in the end we see eye to eye on the best way to run a Marine Corps unit. We're in the business of saving lives, Matthew. That's a responsibility we have to take pretty seriously. And I believe that taking a Marine who's not quite up to the job and shipping him off to another assignment, puts lives in danger.
- [Markinson begins to stand]
- Col. Jessup: Matthew, siddown.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [sits]
- Col. Jessup: We go back a while. We went to the Academy together, we were commissioned together, we did our tours in Vietnam together. But I've been promoted up through the chain of command with greater speed and success than you have. Now if that's a source of tension or embarrassment for you, well, I don't give a shit. We're in the business of saving lives, Lieutenant Colonel Markinson. Don't ever question my orders in front of another officer.
- Kaffee: [seeing Markinson in the back seat of his car] Jesus Christ!
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: You left the door unlocked.
- Kaffee: You scared the shit out of me.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Just keep driving.
- Kaffee: Are you aware that you're under subpoena?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Yes. I'm also aware that the lives of two Marines are in your hands. If there were something I could do about that, I would. But since I can't, all I can do is help you, Lieutenant.
- Kaffee: Was it a code red?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Yes.
- Kaffee: Did Kendrick give the order?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Yes.
- Kaffee: Did you witness it?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I didn't need to...
- Kaffee: Did you witness it!
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: No.
- Kaffee: Then how do you know?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I know.
- Kaffee: Yeah, you know shit.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: He was never going to be transferred off that base.
- [Kaffee turns the corner and stops the car]
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Jessep was going to keep him on the base. He said he wanted him trained.
- Kaffee: [turns around in his seat to face him] We've got the transfer order its got your signature.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I know. I signed that the morning you arrived in Cuba, five days after Santiago died.
- Kaffee: I'm going to get you a deal some kind of immunity with the prosecutor, and in about four days, you're going to appear as a witness for the defense and you're going to tell the court exactly what you just told me. Right now, I'm going to get you into a motel room and we're going to start from the beginning.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I don't want a deal and I don't want immunity. I want you to know that I am proud neither of what I have done nor what I am doing.
- Lt. Kendrick: Private Santiago was a member of second platoon bravo
- Col. Jessup: Apparently his not very happy down here because his written letters to everyone but Santa Clause is asking for a transfer and now his telling tales about a fence line shooting Matthew?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I'm appalled sir
- Col. Jessup: [in his office] You're appalled, this kid broke the chain of command and ratted on a member of his unit. To say nothing of the fact that he is a US marine, that would appear that he can't run from here to there without collapsing from heat exhaustion. What the fuck is going on in Bravo Company?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I think it's better to hold this discussion in private
- Lt. Kendrick: [to Jessup] that won't be necessary I can handle the situation
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: The same way you handled the Curtis Bell incident? Don't interrupt me lieutenant, I'm still your superior officer
- Col. Jessup: [to Markinson] And I am yours, I want to know what we're going to do about this
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I think Santiago should be transferred off the base immediately
- Col. Jessup: Maybe I'm just spitballing here, maybe we have a responsibility as officers to train Santiago, maybe we as officers have a responsibility to this county to see that the men and women charged with its security are trained professionals. I'm certain I've read that somewhere once, and now I'm thinking your suggestion of "transferring Santiago" while expeditious and painless might not be in the manner of speaking, the "American way". Santiago stays where he is, we're going to train the lad
- Col. Jessup: [to Danny as he, Sam, and Jo enters Jessup's office for the for the first time] Nathan Jessup, come on in
- Kaffee: [as they shake hands, introduces Sam, and Jo] thank you sir, I'm Daniel Kaffee. I'm the attorney for Dawson and Downey.
- Col. Jessup: pleasure
- Kaffee: [gestures to Jo] This Lieutenant Commander JoAnne Galloway.
- Col. Jessup: [as they shake hands] pleasure meeting you Commander.
- Galloway: Colonel
- Kaffee: [to Jessup, gestures to Sam] Lieutenant Sam Weinberg, he'll be assisting
- Lt. Weinberg: [as they shake hands] sir
- Col. Jessup: [gestures to Markinson and Kendrick] this is my XO Colonel Markinson and platoon leader Lieutenant Kendrick, I've asked them to join us, sit down, please
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [as they shake hands] Lieutenant Kaffee
- Kaffee: [as they shake hands] Colonel Markinson
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I had the pleasure of meeting your father once. I was a teenager, he spoke at my high school
- Col. Jessup: [to Danny] Lionel Kaffee?
- Kaffee: yes sir
- Col. Jessup: [to Kendrick] well what'd you know? This man's dad once made a lot of enemies in your neck of the woods. Jefferson versus Madison County School District. Folks down there said a little black girl couldn't go to an all white school. Lionel Kaffee said "well, we'll just see about that."
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: [TV edited on NBC Movie. Seeing Markinson in the back seat of his car. Kaffee gasping] Oh, Jeez!
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: You left the door unlocked.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: You scared the hell out of me.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Just keep driving.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Are you aware that you're under subpoena?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Yes. I'm also aware that the lives of two Marines are in your hands. If there were something I could do about that, I would. But since I can't, all I can do is help you, Lieutenant.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: What do you know?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I know everything.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Was it a code red?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Yes.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Did Kendrick give the order?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Yes.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Did you witness it?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I didn't need to...
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Did you witness it?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: No.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Then how do you know?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I know.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Yeah, you know zilch.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: He was never gonna to be transferred off that base.
- [Kaffee turns the corner, stops the car, and pull over. Turns around in his seat to face him]
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Jessup was gonna keep him on the base. He said he wanted him trained.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: We've got the transfer order. Its got your signature.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Yeah, I know. I signed that the morning you arrived in Cuba. 5 days after Santiago died.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: I'm gonna get you a deal. Some kind of immunity with prosecutor. And in about 4 days, you're going to appear as a witness for the defense and you're going to tell the court exactly what you just told me. So right now, I'm going to get check you into a motel room and we're gonna to start from the beginning.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I don't want a deal and I don't want immunity. I want you to know that I am proud neither of what I have done nor what I am doing.
- Agent #1: Working late tonight, Lieutenant?
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Oh, yeah.
- [Knocking the door in a hotel room. Parkinson opened the door]
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: That was no flight at 11:00. What the hell are you trying to pull?
- [He tosses log book at the table]
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: The first flight stateside left Guantanamo Bay at 11 and it arrived at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland at a few minutes past 2.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Really? Then why isn't it listed on the tower Chief's Log?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Jessep.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: What are you telling me? He fix the log book?
- [Markinson scoffs]
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Well, maybe he can make it so a plane didn't take off, but I can sure as hall prove that one landed. I'll get the log book from Andrews.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: You're not going to find any Andrew's log book either.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: He can made an entire flight disappear?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Nathan Jessep is about to be appointed Director of Operations for the National Security Council. You don't get to that position without knowing how to side-step a few land mines.
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Well, he's not gonna be able to side-step you.
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: You still don't intend to put my on the stand?
- Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Thursday morning. At 10:00.
- Kaffee: [angrily to Markinson as he enters his motel room, before slamming the log book onto the table] there was no flight out at eleven o'clock, what the fuck are you trying to pull?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [as he sits down to look inside the log book] first flight stateside left Guantanamo Bay at twenty three hundred, it arrived at Andrews Air Force base in Maryland a few minutes past two
- Kaffee: then why isn't it listed in the tower's chief log?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [shaking his head] Jessup
- Kaffee: what're telling me? He fixed the log book?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [scoffs]
- Kaffee: maybe he can make it that one didn't take off but I can sure as hell prove one landed. I'm going to get the log book from Andrews
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: you're not going to find anything in the Andrews log book either
- Kaffee: he can make an entire flight disappear?
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Nathan Jessup was about to be appointed Director of Operations for the National Security Council. You don't get to that position without knowing how to "sidestep a few landmines"
- Kaffee: his not going to be able to "sidestep" you
- Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: you don't still intend to put me on the stand?
- Kaffee: [pointing the log book at Markinson, before leaving his motel room] Thursday morning ten o'clock