When Alex is fleeing from Vacendak right after Julie Redlun first encounters Alex in the year 2009, Alex rams a car chasing him and then turns sharply to throw a random bad guy from the hood. As he makes the turn, the camera shows him shifting using a manual transmission in the center console and engaging the clutch, but when he throws the car back into gear it shows a shot of an vehicle with an automatic transmission with the shifter on the side of the steering column.
The position of the dead man's head changes when it's looked by Alex or by Vacendak.
When Julie is driving the red armored personnel carrier, exterior shots have her in the right seat. Interior shots have her sitting in the left seat.
When the 2 motorcycles start to chase Alex, both of the motorbike starts as Honda 750 VFR and, when on crash, they are suddenly Kawasaki 500 Ninja.
During the chase scene and after he goes under the trailer, Alex's vehicle changes from a full-sized Chevy truck to a smaller S10 truck.
When Alex escapes his "freejack"-ing, just after his visit to Julie's old apartment, the "Welcome to New-York" digital billboard shows Thursday, November 23rd, 2009. Nov. 23, 2009 is a Monday.
Glock 19s do not have manual safeties. A trigger-covering holster is required if a round is chambered. Throwing/catching one and shoving a loaded one into your waistband is extremely likely to cause an accidental discharge.
When Alex is escaping by car from Julies apartment, a car is turned over when it collides with a "tram". In the background, you can see the ramp.
Before Alex crashes the truck (and just as he's jumping from the truck into the river, it is clear that he's not really driving, it was all shot against a green screen. Some of the giveaways to this are:
1) There is no wind blowing Alex's hair
2) The lighting changes from the action shot, to the over the shoulder shot of Alex.
3) There are no reflections of the passing bridge structures and cables.
1) There is no wind blowing Alex's hair
2) The lighting changes from the action shot, to the over the shoulder shot of Alex.
3) There are no reflections of the passing bridge structures and cables.
The image of Sydney in the background of McCandless' car is clearly a composite of two images. The Sydney Opera house sails are roughly parallel to the Harbour bridge, not end to end, and the sails are backwards to their real orientation.
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center are shown in the 2009 New York skyline several times. Of course, no one filming in 1992 could possibly know the real future of the WTC.
When Alex is in the Church @20:31 or so the Nun wields a DOUBLE barrel shotgun , BUT she moves her hands and the sound effects are of a PUMP action shotgun..... Two totally different sounds ....
Several times during the film a character holds a double barreled shotgun and a pump sound effect is heard. Double barreled shotguns do not have pumps.
On their way down in the elevator after leaving Michelette's office, Alex pulls the clip from his pistol and says "One shot left". During normal use, a semi-automatic pistol with one round left in the magazine will have TWO total shots remaining, including the round already in the chamber. If Alex had only one shot left the pistol magazine should have been empty.