Mindy Ann Martin credited as playing...
Sally Brown
- Sally Brown: Good morning, would you like to buy a Christmas wreath made from some junky old branches my brother found in a Christmas tree lot? You wouldn't would you? And I can't say I blame you.
- Sally Brown: How do you spell your name?
- Charlie Brown: I'm your brother, and you don't even know how to spell my name?
- Sally Brown: I'll put down "Sam". I know how to spell that.
- Sally Brown: I said "hockey stick"! Why did I say "hockey stick"? All I had to say was "hark", and I said "hockey stick"! I ruined the whole Christmas play! Everybody hates me! Moses hates me, Luke hates me, the Apostles hate me! All fifty of them!
- Charlie Brown: I want to buy Peggy Jean a nice pair of gloves for Christmas, but they cost $25.
- Sally Brown: She's going to be dissappointed when she finds out that her boyfriend is a cheapskate.
- Charlie Brown: I'm not a cheapskate, I just don't have $25.
- Sally Brown: Put it on your credit card.
- Charlie Brown: I don't have a credit card.
- Sally Brown: So long, Peggy Jean.
- Sally Brown: I live in mortal dread of getting out on stage and forgetting what I am to say.
- Charlie Brown: Well, if you did, you could always make up something.
- Sally Brown: That's true. How about "Hey"?
- Charlie Brown: Not very Biblical.
- Sally Brown: This is the line I have to say in the Christmas play. See if I get it right.
- [hands Charlie Brown the script]
- Sally Brown: Hark!
- Charlie Brown: You got it. I've always wondered how actors remember all those lines.