Jack Scalia credited as playing...
Lennie Golden
- Lucky Santangelo: So, has Steven arrived yet?
- Lennie Golden: No, I haven't seen him.
- Lucky Santangelo: Well, he called as soon as he got into town. I told him to meet us here for lunch.
- Lennie Golden: Don't worry! As soon as he gets here, they're gonna send him right over to the commissary. Relax.
- Lucky Santangelo: Good.
- Lennie Golden: You're really excited about seeing him, huh?
- Lucky Santangelo: Yeah. Wouldn't you be? You know what a shock it was when my father first told me I had a half-brother I knew nothing about?
- Lennie Golden: Well, old Gino sure knows how to throw a curve, I'll tell you that
- Lucky Santangelo: [laughs] Yes, he does. So he had an affair with a black woman and they had a child, yeah, it's no big deal, I wish he told me about it sooner.
- Christie: [comes running up] Lenny! Lenny!
- [they turn around]
- Christie: They're getting to you after all.
- [comes to a halt]
- Christie: Can we go to makeup?
- Lennie Golden: Now give me a second.
- Lucky Santangelo: You'd better go, Lenny.
- [mocking tone with the name]
- Lucky Santangelo: I'll wait for Steven.
- Lennie Golden: I love you, babe, don't ever change. Let's do lunch.
- [leans in for a kiss]
- Lucky Santangelo: [they kiss] Hmm. Watch yourself.
- Lennie Golden: Yeah.
- Lucky Santangelo: Yeah.
- [Lenny and Christie walk back, and she regards them with a smile]
- Lennie Golden: [coming to greet her as she climbs out of her car] Oh, look at you! You're beautiful!
- Lucky Santangelo: [little laugh] Thank you.
- Lennie Golden: I missed you.
- Lucky Santangelo: It's only been three hours.
- Lennie Golden: It's three hours too long then.
- Christie: [calling out] Lenny!
- Lennie Golden: Yeah?
- Christie: I won't be able to get your next shot before lunch. Oh, hi, Mrs. Golden.
- Lucky Santangelo: Hi, Christie.
- [summing up the pretty girl, then turning to her husband:]
- Lucky Santangelo: Lenny, huh?
- Lennie Golden: What do you want her to call me? Mr. Golden?
- Lucky Santangelo: Yeah, that's not a bad idea.
- Lennie Golden: Aw, come on!
- Lucky Santangelo: Well, you shouldn't encourage her. She wants your body.
- Lennie Golden: Christie? Lucky, she's just some, uhm, some hard-working kid trying to make my day easy.
- Lucky Santangelo: Oh, yeah, sure.
- Lennie Golden: Lucky, this is my film, and it's just not cutting, I can't seem to get through to anybody, you know that.
- Lucky Santangelo: Except for little Christie, right?
- Lennie Golden: Oh, I do believe we're jealous!
- Lucky Santangelo: No, I don't think so.
- Lennie Golden: Oh, let's go to lunch.