Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs credited as playing...
Joseph Jackson
- Katherine Jackson: Joseph, stop it! You could wake the dead! No more beatings, you hear me? No more!
- Joseph Jackson: Michael! Marlon!
- Katherine Jackson: I'VE HAD ENOUGH, JOSEPH! All these years, I've had enough! You cannot do it anymore!
- Joseph Jackson: This is between me and the boys.
- Katherine Jackson: The boys are young men now. They have traveled all over the world. They have millions of fans. What are you going to do- ask them to go out, get a switch, and bring it back here so you can beat them with it? Go to bed, Joseph. Go to bed!
- Katherine Jackson: You know, that Marlon's gonna be a dancer if it kills him.
- Joseph Jackson: He can't cut it, Katie. He doesn't have it. He sings out of tune, he misses steps. I'm dropping him from the group.
- Katherine Jackson: [shocked] What? Joseph Walter Jackson, there's lots of things that you do that I do different. I keep quiet, I don't say nothin' about it mostly. But on this, I gotta speak. I see him. Always trying to outrun Michael, always trying to beat him at some game. You do this to him and it'll break him. I'm not gonna let you do that. I can't let that happen. You too hard on him, you too hard on ALL of them. And I'm telling you what I know. It's gonna drive him away.
- Joseph Jackson: Well, what do you want, Katie? You want 'em workin' in some steel mill for the rest of their lives? Or you want 'em out on some street corner using dope, or them getting into trouble with some gang? Is that what you want?
- Katherine Jackson: You know I don't! But I don't want to see them get whooped either!
- Joseph Jackson: Yeah, well, that's the only way that I know how! That's how my father raised me. That's how every man in the street handles their kids! Kids gotta be strong, Katie. That's the world we live in. Aw, Katie, I got a vision! A vision, Katie, I'm gonna get my kids outta here! I'm gonna get 'em out of Gary, out of those steel mills! I'm gonna make that happen! I want them see the world, Katie. I want them to be able to see their dreams come true.
- Katherine Jackson: Their dreams, Joseph, or yours?
- Joseph Jackson: You know, Berry Gordy's not gonna be satisfied until he has one of my boys calling him "Daddy".