Night Trap (1992 Video Game)
Christy Ford: Megan
Cindy : Sarah, your house looks so beautiful beside the lake?
Megan : Really? I thought it looked like a swap.
Sarah Martin : [sighs] Hello Megan.
Lisa : Has anybody seen my scenwa bag?
Danny : Which one? You got about a million of them.
Lisa : Back off goof face. You're just lucky I brought you along.
Danny : The only reason you brought me along is cos mom made you.
Lisa : Shut up!
Megan : [sarcastically] Well I can tell this is gonna be fun.
[Megan finds a frozen red block in the freezer]
Megan : What's this?
Sarah Martin : Oh... home made cherry popsicles.
Victor Martin : We all have our own very special cravings around here.
Danny : Sarah, your parents are leaving.
Sarah Martin : So?
Megan : So? Sarah, we're in this huge house, with all your friends! We have telephones, we have a car, your parents are gone, and you say so?
Lisa : Come on Sarah, what's the first thing you think of?
All : PARTY!
Megan : You're not gonna trash your face with this junk are you?
Lisa : Megan, it could be a lot worse.
Megan : Look at this stuff. You know, they should test it on rats before they let people like you play with it.
Lisa : Right, how would they do that Megan?
Megan : With a little rat! See, first you put them in a chair like that...
[She clamps Lisa's hand]
Megan : [in a squeaky voice] "Oh no, Miss Lisa! That was too tight!"
[in ordinary voice]
Megan : Then you sprinkle powder over his face.
[squeaky voice]
Megan : "Oh no Miss Lisa! I can't breathe!"