Tim Robbins credited as playing...
Griffin Mill
- Griffin Mill: It lacked certain elements that we need to market a film successfully.
- June: What elements?
- Griffin Mill: Suspense, laughter, violence. Hope, heart, nudity, sex. Happy endings. Mainly happy endings.
- June: What about reality?
- Griffin Mill: I was just thinking what an interesting concept it is to eliminate the writer from the artistic process. If we could just get rid of these actors and directors, maybe we've got something here.
- Larry Levy: I'll be there right after my AA meeting.
- Griffin Mill: Oh Larry, I didn't realise you had a drinking problem.
- Larry Levy: Well I don't really, but that's where all the deals are being made these days.
- Detective Susan Avery: Mr. Mill, have you been going to detective school?
- Griffin Mill: No, actually, we're doing a... a movie right now, called Lonely Room, and Scott Glenn plays a detective much like yourself.
- Detective Susan Avery: Is he a black woman?
- Griffin Mill: So, what's the story?
- Walter Stuckel: Twenty-five words or less? Okay. Movie exec calls writer. Writer's girlfriend says he's at the movies. Exec goes to the movies, meets writer, drinks with writer. Writer gets conked and dies in four inches of dirty water. Movie exec is in deep shit. What do you think?
- Griffin Mill: That's more than 25 words and it's bullshit.
- Griffin Mill: Let's go to Acapulco.
- June: Is that the thing to do?
- Griffin Mill: It's *a* thing to do.
- [after watching The Bicycle Thief]
- Griffin Mill: Great movie, huh? So refreshing to see something like this after all these... cop movies and, you know, things we do. Maybe we'll do a remake of this!
- Griffin Mill: Just... stop with the postcards...
- David Kahane: [enraged] I don't WRITE POSTCARDS! I WRITE SCRIPTS!
- [Asked to look at police mug shots]
- Griffin Mill: Um, no. I - I mean, I - You're putting me in a terrible position here. I would - I would hate to get the wrong person arrested.
- Detective Susan Avery: Oh, please! This is Pasadena. We do not arrest the wrong person. That's L.A.!
- Detective Susan Avery: So you're saying if you drove a shitty car, you would park in the parking lot.
- Griffin Mill: No, I'm saying if I were driving a shitty car, I would be a dead man.
- Griffin Mill: Who's the D.A.?
- Tom Oakley: Ah! No one.
- Griffin Mill: No one?
- Tom Oakley: No stars on this project. We're going out on a limb on one.
- Andy Civelli: You know, uh, like unknown stage actors or maybe somebody English like what's-his-name.
- Griffin Mill: [looking at June's paintings] These are very interesting. I like them... Where do you show?
- June: Hmm?
- Griffin Mill: Gallery - - what gallery? Who's your dealer?
- June: [chuckles] I don't have a "dealer." I couldn't sell these. They're never finished.
- Griffin Mill: They're never finished?
- June: No, they're just... what I do. For myself. What I feel.
- Detective Susan Avery: Paul went and saw a movie the other night and he keeps talking about it. What was that movie, Paul?
- Detective DeLongpre: Freaks.
- Griffin Mill: Oh yeah, Freaks, Tod Browning, It's a classic.
- Detective DeLongpre: One of us. One of us. One of us.
- Detective Susan Avery: He keeps saying that.
- Detective DeLongpre: [stopping Mill just as he's exiting his gated driveway] Mr. Mill, I'm Detective DeLongpre, Pasadena police.
- Griffin Mill: Yes, I recognize you. Did you have a good time at the party last night?
- Detective DeLongpre: No, I didn't. I'm not supposed to have a good time when I'm on duty.