Brion James credited as playing...
Joel Levison
- Jan: A guy named Joe Gillis called. He wants you to meet him at the St. James Club at 10:00 on the patio. Know who this is?
- Griffin Mill: Never heard of him.
- Jan: He said you'd know him.
- Griffin Mill: Anybody know who Joe Gillis is?
- Joel Levison: He's a character William Holden played in "Sunset Boulevard." The writer killed by a movie star.
- Bonnie Sherow: Gloria Swanson.
- Griffin Mill: [starts to laugh] Oh, that guy. Last week he said he was Charles Foster Kane. A week before that it was Rhett Butler.
- Griffin Mill: I will not work for Larry Levy.
- Joel Levison: I'm not asking you to.
- Griffin Mill: I report to you. If I have to report to Larry Levy, I quit.
- Joel Levison: Can't quit. I wont let you quit. You have a year and a half left on your contract and I will sue you for breach if you don't show up in the office every day. With a smile.
- Griffin Mill: Why Levy?
- Joel Levison: Levy was available. He's good on material, you're good with writers. We're a team. He's a new member of the team, that's all. He can make us all look good.
- Griffin Mill: [to the waitress, annoyed] This is a red wine glass. Can I have my water in water glass, please?
- Joel Levison: Well?
- Griffin Mill: I'll have to think about it, Joel.
- Joel Levison: I want an answer this afternoon.
- Griffin Mill: Well, I have to go out to Palmdale. The director of Lonely Room is giving Lily a hard time. I'll be back around 5.
- Joel Levison: Well, call after 5.
- Griffin Mill: [brusquely] I'll get back to you.