Paul Hewitt credited as playing...
Jimmy Chase
- Jimmy Chase: Hey, you're Martin Scorsese!
- Alan Rudolph: No, but I know Harvey Keitel.
- Jimmy Chase: Of course you do! Hey, I loved Cape Fear!
- Walter Stuckel: Pictures they make these days are all MTV: cut, cut, cut. The opening shot of Welles' Touch of Evil was 6 and a half minutes long.
- Jimmy Chase: [amazed] 6 and a half minutes long?
- Walter Stuckel: 3 or 4 anyway. He set up the whole picture with that one tracking shot. My father was the key grip on that shoot.
- Jimmy Chase: Hey, what about Absolute Beginners? That was an extraordinary shot!
- Walter Stuckel: What the hell was that? Never heard of it.
- Jimmy Chase: It's Julien Temple. It's an English movie.
- Walter Stuckel: We're talking about American movies. Orson Welles was a master!
- Walter Stuckel: My old man worked for Hitchcock on Rope. It was a masterpiece. Story wasn't any good. Shot the whole thing without cuts. I hate all this cut-cut-cut.
- Jimmy Chase: Oh yeah? Well, what about Bertolucci and that great tracking shot with Winger in Sheltering Sky.
- Walter Stuckel: I didn't see it.