- DS Richard Haskons: [Seeing pornographic pictures of boy prostitutes] I'm glad my kids is girls.
- WPC Kathy Bibby: You should see what they do to the girls.
- Jessica Smithy: [Reguarding his tie] Choose them yourself, do you?
- Insp. Larry Hall: No - my girlfriend does.
- Jessica Smithy: I'd get rid of her if I were you.
- DCI Jane Tennison: Have you ever had sex with a man?
- Martin Fletcher: Who me? No!
- DCI Jane Tennison: How about a blowjob? Ever done that?
- Martin Fletcher: Yeah, a few times when I'm broke. I ain't into that kind of thing, I've got other means of employment.
- DCI Jane Tennison: Oh yeah? Such as what?
- Martin Fletcher: Breaking and entering, nicking cars, radios, do a bit of begging.
- [Mockingly]
- Martin Fletcher: Sell my life story to the newspapers.
- DCI Jane Tennison: Now you listen to me, Martin. You think you can play games with us, lie to us and it's all a joke isn't it? Well it isn't! Colin Jenkins is dead! There's no one to claim his body, no one to even bury him. No one cares about Colin other than us - and you're next, Martin~ You're the next little dead body we found out there - you know that? Want people to care about you?
- Commander Chiswick: [referring to Tennison] Whose idea was it to bring her here? Bloody loose cannon!
- DCI Jane Tennison: [to members of her team] So if any names come up on this tape, they are going to stay here in this office amongst us. because we are opening one very big can of worms. We're going to need hard evidence to back it up. Excuse the pun.