11 reviews
Bikini Carwash 2 is a disappointment. At least the first one was a little funny. This one made no sense and the acting is worst than before. If you're bored and like to see naked women running around for retarded reasons, than this is the movie for you. If you need more than that, look somewhere else.
- BandSAboutMovies
- Sep 29, 2023
- Permalink
It's hard to believe it but THE BIKINI CARWASH COMPANY 2 has an even weaker plotline than the first movie, and ends up feeling like the weakest of retreads. This time around, the company is doing better than ever, until some evil corporate honcho (who reminded me of Trump) pulls some nefarious strings and gives the girls an ultimatum: to pay up four million dollars by the end of the week, or get out. The rest of the film follows their attempts to drum up the cash. Most of the cast, crew and location are gone here, although it's nice to see Kristi Ducati back as the female lead, and she's looking better than ever. Unfortunately, the script is lamentable and the mugging humour worse than ever. I saw the 'rated' version, which is surprisingly tame given the genre, and features almost no nudity.
- Leofwine_draca
- Mar 5, 2025
- Permalink
Kristi Ducati is back as Jessica looking a little heavier, but still very voluptous. This type of B-movie fare is becoming the standard unfortunately and most get pretty boring even with the topless scenes. Kristi is the best thing about this movie, unfortunately her top stays on until a brief scene at the end. The other teases are pretty lame and boring. Try another flick.
This movie is incredibly stupid. Here's the plot: Melissa is going to lose her carwash if she doesn't come up with $4 million. No problem, though! A couple of her carwash girls will just seduce the execs at the local televangelism station into giving her a week of air time, and she'll advertise lingerie. Plain-old advertising doesn't get her anywhere, so she starts saucing it up with "active" modeling (sex). The phony sex in this movie is about the worst I've seen, and the only likeable character is Melissa herself. The only part of this entire movie even worth watching is the music video at the end where all of the girls take their tops off as they wash cars. By the way, not to spoil it for you, but this is also the only time during the movie you actually get to see Kristi Ducati's massive breasts, and even then they don't get their fair share of attention, thus making that aspect of the movie a major disappointment as well.
I recommend this movie if you're hard-up, have nothing better to do and it's on late-nite on television. Certainly don't waste your time or money renting it, because just about any other movie you could watch is guaranteed to have any or all of the following: a) better story b) better acting c) better sex
I recommend this movie if you're hard-up, have nothing better to do and it's on late-nite on television. Certainly don't waste your time or money renting it, because just about any other movie you could watch is guaranteed to have any or all of the following: a) better story b) better acting c) better sex
'The Bikini Carwash Company II' finds the ladies having struck success opening up numerous locations since the first film. They sign a lucrative deal to sell their ownership to a business man only to find out he wants the land and plans to demo the carwashes. Needing to come up with 4 mil to buy them back, they start selling racy lingerie on TV.
Sufficient to say the original 'Carwash' was a classic of 90's T&A and this sequel doesn't reach the same heights. The same ladies return led by Krista Ducati. If you're a fan of hers, a sucker for boobs (and can track down the unrated version) you'll likely be satisfied. However this sequel isn't about bikinis or a carwash anymore defying the point of the title other than to cheaply cash-in.
Sufficient to say the original 'Carwash' was a classic of 90's T&A and this sequel doesn't reach the same heights. The same ladies return led by Krista Ducati. If you're a fan of hers, a sucker for boobs (and can track down the unrated version) you'll likely be satisfied. However this sequel isn't about bikinis or a carwash anymore defying the point of the title other than to cheaply cash-in.
- refinedsugar
- Aug 27, 2023
- Permalink
This film is terrible. It has no redeming features (apart from the girls), the acting is awful and the script is excreble. Avoid this at all costs. It really is that bad, I thought it was a TVM movie. It was probably straight to video, so if you see any copies of it, burn 'em.
The same group is back, this time with another STSWB variation. Things have changed a bit: Melissa and her friends now own several branches of Bikini Car Washes all over the area, and have just been bought by a big company (BTW: It's quite funny how they portray large companies in this flick, makes them all look like power-hungry monopolizers, which in a sense....they are!). You see folks, Melissa and the gang were tricked by the CEO of the company to sell, and now have no control over the company they started on their own. Now they have to raise 2 million dollars by the end of the week to buy their company back. How are they gonna do it?.....by selling lingerie! (sound familiar?? Yep, a variation of STSWB!) They use a public access channel to get their product seen, and from there the fun begins. The extremely dumb blonde is provided for us to use as comic relief again, and she does a great job at it. There's a couple of scenes that stand out in my mind......
1. When Melissa finds out what has happened to her company, she decides to meet the CEO in his office. He walks in, she's lying on the couch in an INSANELY short dress. She puts on the charm, removes the dress and reveals a sexy pink number, highlighting her ample.....um, you know. Scene grade: A+
2. The bimbo-turned-lawyer friend of Melissa corners a poor TV moralist. He says that they shouldn't be broadcasting that "smut" on TV. She puts on the charm, takes of her clothes, and they get right to it......All while reciting the beginning of the Declaration of Independence! Not bad. Scene Grade: B+
Although it's a formula movie, it's overwhelmingly good. There's plenty of things to laugh at, and there's almost as many women to drool at. Kristi Ducati shines once again in her role as Melissa, our busty, intelligent heroine. The next time this flick is on Cinemax, watch it!! It's not as good as the first, but it's better than Bikini Summer 3. (see my review on that movie for details)
1. When Melissa finds out what has happened to her company, she decides to meet the CEO in his office. He walks in, she's lying on the couch in an INSANELY short dress. She puts on the charm, removes the dress and reveals a sexy pink number, highlighting her ample.....um, you know. Scene grade: A+
2. The bimbo-turned-lawyer friend of Melissa corners a poor TV moralist. He says that they shouldn't be broadcasting that "smut" on TV. She puts on the charm, takes of her clothes, and they get right to it......All while reciting the beginning of the Declaration of Independence! Not bad. Scene Grade: B+
Although it's a formula movie, it's overwhelmingly good. There's plenty of things to laugh at, and there's almost as many women to drool at. Kristi Ducati shines once again in her role as Melissa, our busty, intelligent heroine. The next time this flick is on Cinemax, watch it!! It's not as good as the first, but it's better than Bikini Summer 3. (see my review on that movie for details)
Wow...This movie gets an 8 on the cheese factor alone. Melissa is the enterprising young woman from the first one who has sold her company to a greedy land developer and now must get it back. To raise money she and her pals decide to take over a religious station and make it a lingerie channel that shows simulated sex. Melissa always has a soft spot in her heart for dorks and this movie is no exception. She teams up with film student Derek and they take on censorship, greedy old men and each other in what is probably the most awkward love scene in history. Watch this movie for what it is: Nudity, simulated sex and a great soundtrack. The script is filled with bad jokes but it has the sense to make fun of itself. Also the other thing that struck me as odd is that in a sea of big breasted goddesses is Rikki Brando who looks like a fifteen year old boy. She was obviously hired for her acting ability.
I'm not going to go too far into this. The reason for the low scores based on this film's (good god, I'm referring to it as a film!) relative value (boobies) is because most folks have only seen the borderline PG-13 but still R rated version. Avoid that one. If you're looking for shots of Kristi Ducati's mammary glands, the unrated version has plenty.
It still has that god awful 80s hair metal as well and, unlike the first one, things heat up in like the first ten minutes during the office scene where they celebrate ownership of their carwash company; truly enterprising young women!
It still has that god awful 80s hair metal as well and, unlike the first one, things heat up in like the first ten minutes during the office scene where they celebrate ownership of their carwash company; truly enterprising young women!
I was disappointed. The first movie had some purpose - a reason for the excessive nudity. Nothing against excessive nudity, but this movie's storyline was so incredibly unbelievable (yes, I know that's redundant - that was the point). Also, the camera work in the first movie was much better. All things considered, I would not bother watching this one again. Had I known then what I know now, I would not have bothered watching it the first time.
- garrisonaw
- Jul 21, 2003
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