Donald Pleasence credited as playing...
- Pincheon: But it's Pearls to Swine! That's what they are, these peasant folk. Salt of the Earth... Scum of the Earth. I am the future of Maitre Courtois! Don't grow old and tired in a place like this.
- Pincheon: The Law must be brought to bear, whether it be against an imbecilic man, or a Pig of prestigious intelligence.
- [Courtois laughs, and everyone just stares at him]
- Richard Courtois: [the "Witch" is going to be hanged on a technicality] Why didn't I know that?
- Pincheon: Custom and Practise!
- Pincheon: Will you raise your right hand?
- [Witness raises his left hand, so his testimony is now laughable]
- Richard Courtois: Is a pig big enough to hold a devil? How about a flea? You don't really believe what you've been saying here, do you?
- Pincheon: This is monstrous!
- Albertius: Oh I believe it, Maitre, every word.