This movie accurately shows the struggles of the U.S. Military in the Vietnam War. The clash between the higher ups and the men on the ground speaks true to the reason why we lost the war. Carradine's character is a man's man who should have run the war! I loved his quote "Maximize enemy casualties." While the action is a little far fetched the message is clear. This movie should be included in all of the Vietnam classics. With better sound editing this movie could have been on par with "Platoon" and "Apocalypse Now". With the success of Tony Dorsett's character I think that the government should have drafted NFL players. The athleticism that they bring to the fight is impressive. I know a lot of you who have seen this movie are wondering what I am talking about but there is a lot of sub surface meaning here. This movie covers the philosophical debate of good vs. evil, Carradine vs. the NVA but don't forget evil will always try to resurface. Many of you may not know this but Carradine began his great acting career in martial arts films and hasn't looked back yet. We see an example of Carradine's Martial Arts background with his technical use of the sword. The most heart breaking moment of the movie is where Tony Dorsett's character make the ultimate sacrifice to allow himself to be killed in order to blow up the NVA weapons cache.