(at around 7 mins) During one of the early observation room scenes, Colonel Reynolds right (on screen left) epaulet clearly bears the rank of colonel, while his left epaulet (on screen right) bears the rank of lieutenant colonel. In the previous scene as well as those immediately following, both epaulets bear the rank of lieutenant colonel.
(at around 45 mins) When Julie is on the bridge about to kill herself, her back is to the bridge, but when she falls, she is facing the bridge.
When Julie drags the corpse of Santos through the door by its almost severed head,the direction of the head changes back and forth. One moment she holds the head by the neck, the next moment she holds it by the chin.
During the entire attack sequence the test subject zombie is shown to have 2 individual leather cuffs on his ankles but is able to move freely. However after he is shot the second time and and the 2 lab techs are shown putting him back on the gurney there's a new larger strap binding his ankles together and the tech at the foot end couldn't have placed it there since he goes directly from holding the weapon to lifting the zombie's legs
When Curt and Julie are in the sewers starting around the 1:00:00 mark, Julie suddenly has a lip ring that wasn't present before. Not only that, but the lip ring changes position from one side of her lip to the other later in the scene.
Shortly after Julie is reanimated, the African-American soldier in the hallway is wearing an army uniform with specialist rank on the sleeves and sergeant rank on the collar.
When the Colonel says he put out an all-state alert, yet Curt and Julie are riding downtown and a police car turns left behind them, if there was such an alert, the police would be actively looking for them.
(at around 15 mins) Immediately after the teens are making love, Curt rolls off of Julie, only to reveal that she somehow has been making love with black panties on the entire time.
(at around 30 mins) When one of the thugs is playing Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (1992), the sounds are wrong and he is actually playing the title screen instead of the game.
(at around 1h 20 mins) When Riverman's arm is mutilated and shot off he's clearly seen hiding his real arm behind his back.
After the 'canister' zombie tears its head away from its shoulder, there are several scenes where the wire connecting its eye socket with its skeletal left wrist are plainly visible.
(at around 20 mins) When Colonel Reynolds grabs his son's arm and says, "You never did this when your mother was alive," you can see the shadow of a crew member on his shoulder.
(at around 50 mins) Immediately upon the Riverman opening the door to his underground lair, a hand is visible along the left edge of the door jamb, and it quickly jerks away.
When they are first testing the Trioxin gas, one of the signs that it's working is that the corpse attains a heartbeat. Yet, in the first movie, the two characters who were first exposed to the gas *lost* their heartbeats, yet were still mobile. Therefore, heart rate should not be used as an indicator of Trioxin's effectiveness.
In the first film Suicide and Scuz are bitten but never raise, the film makes it a point to never show anyone rise from a bite alone as anyone eaten and resurrected was also heavily exposed to the toxic rain, which would mean a bite is not a means of infection for the gas, but in this film it works like a virus infecting anyone bitten by Julie.
In the first film eating brains would ease the 'pain of being dead' for the zombies, in this film however, Julie inflicts pain upon herself to calm the hunger, which is a direct contradiction.
In the control room during the corpse animation sequence, a boom mic is clearly visible beside Lt Col Sinclair's head.
Test subject Zombie's face becomes unfrozen around the time of (0:10:46 - 0:10:49)