Andrew Divoff credited as playing...
- Bear: Hey! What you're gonna do to them with that ain't shit compared to what I'm gonna do to you with this.
- Bone: Where did you get that piece Bear?
- Bear: Got it for my nephew, 5 and dime
- Bear: You mean that's it, I don't get to take Junior here out to play?
- Bone: Nope
- Bear: SHIT!
- Bone: [to Calvin Hogg] Why don't you cut the shit, I mean you know Ironbutt's got you up a tree.
- Calvin Hogg: Hey look don't get smart-ass with me cowboy.
- Bone: Look Ironbutt, If I ain't back in an hour, you bring the bros and you let a bond fire for me and the Bear.
- Bone: [looking up at Bear] Hey Bear, how they hangin' bro?
- Bear: Little closer to the ground, just the way I like it