A viewer praised the score by Gerald Gouriet (never heard of him, I guess he is a Canadian). Question is: If the music was supposed to be a homage to Bernard Herrmann (the composer of Hitchcock's Vertigo, Psycho, North by Northwest, Marnie) then Mr Gouriet did a great job. Otherwise, it is just too much musically a copycat. Perhaps director Donovan prescribed the similarity on purpose, as many visual passages in this film have been resolved in the non-realistic -almost oneiric- way Hitchcok staged some scenes in his films. A case in point: when Josh is reading the newspaper microfilms at the library, titles (in red) are superimposed over the pages of the newspaper. When Josh is dreaming, color turns red. When the camera shoots down on the smiling and hopeful faces of students is another moment where viewers realize a professional director is holding the reins. All in all, as a TV movie is clearly above average. Watchable, well acted by everybody.