As a sequel to Heroic Trio, this movie far surpassed my expectations. I for one only liked Heroic Trio as a novelty, though it was good - it just lacked something...that something was a devastated future where everyone is being oppressed.
Since it is set in the future after an atomic blast, the Heroic Trio has gone their separate ways and is now under the thumb of a cruel mastermind that controls the clean water supply. However, this mastermind wishes for absolute control and seeks to destroy the ruling military government. It is up to the Heroic Trio to unite once more to stop his evil ambitions before he can complete his coup and rule the entire country.
That is where the fun really starts and never lets up. This one has much more action and plot than the first one could have ever hoped to achieve. The Heroic Trio is no longer a one dimensional force of fighting women, but they all have new lives...they have roles to fill other than fighting crime now...and most of all, they all have better things to do than play super hero. When one of them finally decides to step up, she is soon imprisoned for her efforts. Though this spawns her former comrades into action, it is not without heavy loss. That too was lacking in the original, nobody cool seemed to die. This one has death galore, everyone from new supporting cast to one of the heroes eventually meets a violent and untimely end. When you factor in the harsh reality of a world affected by military rule and radiation, it just boils over into a delightful affair.
This movie is a great kung-fu epic, and a worthy successor to the beloved Heroic Trio. I could not ask for anything more...if you like high flying mayhem, conspiracy, and a generally fun story then I would get this movie at any cost.