Ditch Davey credited as playing...
Const. Evan 'Jonesy' Jones
- Constable Evan 'Jonesy' Jones: Hey, you're talking about a friend of mine!
- Sr. Sgt. Tom Croydon: Then I suggest in future you pick your friends more carefully.
- Constable Evan 'Jonesy' Jones: Who my friends are is none of your business!
- Sr. Sgt. Tom Croydon: While you're working for me, they most certainly are, and don't you forget it!
- Susie Reynor: So it really looked like a flying saucer?
- Const. Joanna 'Jo' Parrish: It was full on and I didn't even have the mushrooms.
- Constable Evan 'Jonesy' Jones: This is when it pays to read your star signs. Will be abducted by aliens, so pack undies!
- Susie Reynor: Wonder what Rochelle's was?
- Const. Joanna 'Jo' Parrish: Yeah. Sag.
- Constable Evan 'Jonesy' Jones: Here it is. Something new will happen in your life. Maybe a new man. Expect a trip to outerspace!Expect a bumpy ride!
- PJ: You're all so hilarious.
- Susie Reynor: So what did your star sign say yesterday PJ?
- Const. Joanna 'Jo' Parrish: Expect a grumpy mood and closed mind.
- PJ: All your minds are so open I can hear the wind just whistling through!
- Const. Joanna 'Jo' Parrish: PJ!
- PJ: I'm kidding.
- Const. Joanna 'Jo' Parrish: No, Peej, come have a look at this. it's that kid. when did this happen?
- [refering to the newspaper]
- Const. Joanna 'Jo' Parrish: Monday. Big news of the week.Didn't you guys here about it in Widgeree?