well thats my statement anyways.
I liked VR-troopers as a kid. this series was a combination of the Power rangers and Starwars.
it had it's childish goofs, but the fighting scenes where fun to watch for me at that age. I'm not gonna judge this series for having childish contents. couse it is A KIDS show!.
besides that it had a decent story.
you have your standard villain that wants to take over the world. with his robot army. and I find that the Robot army gave it a little more realism. couse in the power rangers you can clearly see it's a lame ass monster costume.
the whole Trooper thing was all about special crystals that acted as battery's. for powering high technical suits.
unlike the first negative comment that was given, this series had it's value for me. + I still like the themesong LOL