After I watched this film on video, I did a Google search on Lane Frost and was pleasantly surprised by the excellent web sites in tribute to his life. Evidently the film follows Lane's life fairly accurately, and the diversions from the truth are acceptable when you consider films are in the business of making money and must appeal to a wider audience than those "who are in the know".
It is fitting that his parents said "If people remember one thing about Lane we want it to be that he was a kind person and knew Jesus." I am not a religious-churchy person at all and I add this here show you that this film is about a decent, good person; don't worry though, the film does not preach, etc.
The acting is very good, and the characters are quite believable. This is a nice film to watch with the family. I suppose if you cannot connect with the American West, or horses, or rodeos, you may want to leave this film alone, but otherwise it is a refreshing alternative to the usual Hollywood car chases, gun fights, sex and cheap jokes.
My hat comes off to Lane Frost, a person to admire.