As of 2024, this is still the most recent contemporary-set film (i.e. non-period, non-fantasy, non-sci-fi) to win the Academy Award for Best Costume Design.
Bill Hunter was filming Muriel's Wedding (1994) and Priscilla at the same time, each requiring him to have different length hair, beard and to be in different parts of the country.
Due to a heavy filming schedule, lots of filming was done while the entire crew was on the road. But because the bus was such a small set, there was no room for the crew. As such in many scenes, they are actually in shot, hiding under clothes and other props.
Julia Cortez (Bob's Asian bride he was tricked into marrying, Cynthia) provided her own cat suit costume complete with the strategically placed zipper for the scene in the bar after the Shake Your Groove Thing number.
The famous thong (jandal/flip-flop) dress, which helped win the movie an Academy Award, cost only $7.