Larry Drake credited as playing...
Robert G. Durant
- Robert G. Durant: Life isn't cheap in the city. Death is. When every 12-year old is packing heat, death is cheap. What does that tell you?
- Eddie Scully, Durant Henchman: The cartoons are too violent?
- Robert G. Durant: It tells you I've been away too long!
- Robert G. Durant: [after a goon is blown through a door for messing with a power cell] Well, I think we've all learned an important safety lesson here.
- Robert G. Durant, Rollo Latham, Durant Henchman & CEO Inter-City Land Development: You wouldn't know a plan if it was pounded up your ass with a jackhammer.
- Robert G. Durant, Rollo Latham, Durant Henchman & CEO Inter-City Land Development: We have some plans, why don't you let us take care of things for awhile?
- Mr. Perkins: Mr. Durant, you have revolutionized the right to bear arms.
- Robert G. Durant: In this case, the far right to bear arms.
- Robert G. Durant: [to Darkman] I knew you'd come after me. All I had to do was dangle the right bait in front of what's left of your nose.
- Rollo Latham, Durant Henchman & CEO Inter-City Land Development: [about Dr. Brinkman] Do you want me to make him the usual offer?
- Robert G. Durant: I don't think we should attract too much attention to ourselves, Rollo, why don't you try money instead?