At the very beginning of the recap intro, Liam Neeson's face is shown in the torture scene and when Peyton's head is out of the red acid, it turns into Arnold Vosloo's face.
During the dinner scene with Dr. Hathaway, in the first shot, there is nothing but an ashtray in front of Durant, but in the next shot of him, there is also a bottle of brandy beside it.
The burn damage on Darkmans face is different then on the first movie. It's also played by a different actor.
When we see the doctor in his cell writing the formulas on the wall he pushes the chalk the wall and the wall bends quite a bit as he pushes in.
When the man is thrown down the building it's an obvious dummy used. Audio is screaming while the dummy has his mouth closed.
When Darkman steals the battery off Durant, he says "Batteries Not Included." Arnold Vosloo's real teeth can be seen as Darkman opens his jaw to speak.
In the beginning, Darkman is getting his mail from post office box 212. When the reporter tracks him down, he's getting his mail from box 167. While he may have multiple boxes, it is highly unlikely.
Jill leaves the TV building, gets in a car and it blows up. It's been arranged by Durant who'd just seen the broadcast. He wouldn't have had the time to get to the studio and how would he know what car she'd use?
TV reporter Jill meets Paton and takes a Saki cup he's used and discovers he's left no fingerprints but manages to track him down by his post office box. How?
Jill's news spot has just come off air when her boss tells her that the switchboard is jammed with calls more than any other story. Surely too soon for such a response?
Darkman is only able to create skin for himself, yet he has different hair and also bone structure when being someone else. His teeth is also perfectly clean and white while being someone else, while they are always dirty when he has his normal look.
At this point, the audience can accept Darkman's ability to assume other identities using the skin formula. However, One thing that he definitely is not is a size shifter. He could not assume Eddie's identity as Eddie is three inches shorter than him, has a smaller head as well as smaller frame. In the first movie, Darkman would assume the identities of those of somewhat identical size.
When Durant is showing his weapons to a buyer, he tells him that it is not recommended for indoor use, yet during the climax, in the warehouse (indoors) Durant plans to execute Westlake and the girl using the weapon.