75 reviews
Exit to Eden was a fine erotic book by Ann Rice, full of texture, sensuality and drama, all of the things the movie is not. Why Gary Marshall chose to turn a great novel into a non-funny comedy with the miscasting of Rosie O'Donnell and Dan Aykroyd is beyond me. The subject of this movie has never been dealt with in a non-X movie and it should have been done with tact instead of a loose comedy hand. The cast is good except the above duo. Dana Delany is great as the Mistress of a pleasure island; she takes a chance and shows her sexy side of herself as well as full body nudity. You watch this movie and shake your head about how good it could have been. read the book, forget the movie. 4 out of 10
As one reviewer pointed out, the film is neither good or bad. I think the problem lies mainly in the marketing. Like many people who viewed this film, I thought it would be a comedy. It is, to a degree. Judging by the subject matter, I knew "Exit" would be at least somewhat risque, but since I found out Garry Marshall directed it, I assumed it would be tastefully done with little or no nudity. After all, this is the guy who directed films like "Runaway Bride" and "The Princess Diaries," and I think he produced "Laverne and Shirley." Naturally, I wasn't expecting softcore porn! Maybe this isn't an EXACT clone of a late night movie on Cinemax, but it comes pretty close. I guess I would compare this with certain adult comedies like "The Bikini Carwash Company" and "Beauty School."
I was entertained and stimulated by some of the nude scenes, and I never knew Dana Delaney had such an AWESOME body! I will never look at her the same ever again! And you've got the handsome Aussie, Paul Mercurio, so there's something for the guys and gals to enjoy. Unfortunately, I kept waiting for something funny to happen and my patience was running low.
Many people think of Rosie O'Donnell as an annoying you-know-what, but that's because many of those people didn't know her until she started doing her talk show. I watched her show sometimes, but I admit there were times where I just wanted to slug her. But she was putting on a sing-songy, G-rated persona for the show. I've seen her one of her stand-up acts on television, and quite a few words had to be bleeped. So trust me, she doesn't have the same clean-cut persona you've seen in her talk show. And she does have a reasonable amount of talent as a comedienne, which is why I wanted to check out the film in the first place. At times she's funny, at times she's not, due to faulty writing and forced comic timing. Dan Aykroyd has a few funny moments as well, but also seems humiliated to be in this movie. Don't expect the same high-energy, manic Aykroyd performance he usually delivers.
"Exit to Eden" works out well as softcore porn, but doesn't totally deliver as a comedy. The film would've worked out better, if it didn't suffer from this identity crisis.
My score: 5 (out of 10)
I was entertained and stimulated by some of the nude scenes, and I never knew Dana Delaney had such an AWESOME body! I will never look at her the same ever again! And you've got the handsome Aussie, Paul Mercurio, so there's something for the guys and gals to enjoy. Unfortunately, I kept waiting for something funny to happen and my patience was running low.
Many people think of Rosie O'Donnell as an annoying you-know-what, but that's because many of those people didn't know her until she started doing her talk show. I watched her show sometimes, but I admit there were times where I just wanted to slug her. But she was putting on a sing-songy, G-rated persona for the show. I've seen her one of her stand-up acts on television, and quite a few words had to be bleeped. So trust me, she doesn't have the same clean-cut persona you've seen in her talk show. And she does have a reasonable amount of talent as a comedienne, which is why I wanted to check out the film in the first place. At times she's funny, at times she's not, due to faulty writing and forced comic timing. Dan Aykroyd has a few funny moments as well, but also seems humiliated to be in this movie. Don't expect the same high-energy, manic Aykroyd performance he usually delivers.
"Exit to Eden" works out well as softcore porn, but doesn't totally deliver as a comedy. The film would've worked out better, if it didn't suffer from this identity crisis.
My score: 5 (out of 10)
- MovieLuvaMatt
- Jun 7, 2003
- Permalink
Elliot Slater grew up with submissive urges during his Australian childhood with the hot maid. His adult relationships have not worked. He's a professional photographer. At the airport, he takes pictures of diamond smuggler Nina Blackstone (Iman) dressed as an airline stewardess and her cohort Omar. LAPD undercover officers Sheila Kingston (Rosie O'Donnell) and Fred Lavery (Dan Aykroyd) are hunting the diamond smuggling ring. Nina and Omar tries to track down Elliot to get back the photos. There are no known photos of Omar and the cops are after Elliot as well. Elliot signs up for a week on the island of Eden as a submissive. He is followed by the smugglers and the cops. The island is owned by Dr. Martin Helifax (Hector Elizondo) and run by dominatrix Mistress Lisa Emerson (Dana Delany).
O'Donnell is annoying in this one. She needs somebody to rein her in and Aykroyd is the last person to do that. They are the unfunny comedic relief. The premise is horribly manufactured. The island is cheesy. Paul Mercurio is a weak lead and Dana Delany doesn't fit as a dominatrix. It is awkward and silly. There are a lot of naked people and non of it is erotic or funny. Sexy has never been more boring. I don't know how crappy is the Anne Rice novel and Garry Marshall is a complete fail here.
O'Donnell is annoying in this one. She needs somebody to rein her in and Aykroyd is the last person to do that. They are the unfunny comedic relief. The premise is horribly manufactured. The island is cheesy. Paul Mercurio is a weak lead and Dana Delany doesn't fit as a dominatrix. It is awkward and silly. There are a lot of naked people and non of it is erotic or funny. Sexy has never been more boring. I don't know how crappy is the Anne Rice novel and Garry Marshall is a complete fail here.
- SnoopyStyle
- Dec 30, 2016
- Permalink
While not the greatest nor funniest movie I have ever seen, Exit to Eden is unique in that it treats s&m in a non-threatening manner. Unlike most movies which use s&m and b&d as tools to orchestrate a character's psychotic behavior, or to show a ridiculous or funny fetish trait of someones, Exit to Eden shows s&m in a very flattering light--portraying it as sensual and serious, but also playful and fun. Since the subject of this lifestyle has rarely been explored in mainstream movies, this is very important and I would even dare to say groundbreaking, in terms of working to eliminate taboos and misconceptions about a subject through the cinematic medium. Like movies which have dared to display gay and interracial relationships in a realistic light, rather than pandering to cliched stereotypes, Exit to Eden shows that s&m culture can be a very normal, non-violent part of the average person's life. Yes, some of the lines are corny and the acting is less than convincing, but Delany and Mercurio make a dynamite couple with some great chemistry. All in all, I would say this was a decent movie which provides a great service--educating the public about s&m culture--and one which breaks new ground in its presentation of its subject matter.
Completely misbegotten adaptation of Anne Rice's book about two cops (Dan Aykroyd and Rosie O'Donnell, a screen-teaming which should've been a hoot) working undercover at an S&M resort to capture a ring of crooks. Garry Marshall directed in a shamefully sloppy manner, without a clue as to how a general audience would feel about this kind of material; his narrative is so clogged with smarmy activity and failed gimmicks (like a voice-over from O'Donnell that is both unfunny and unnecessary) that the picture self-destructs even before the opening credits have finished! Highly unpleasant dud was a critical and commercial turkey, although O'Donnell has gotten mileage out of it by making "Exit to Eden" jokes at her own expense.
- moonspinner55
- Oct 22, 2005
- Permalink
When two undercover cops investigate Iman The Terrible, they're in for a romp of pleasure. This may go down to being a milestone as one of the sickest American comedies ever produced, where plenty of S&M is the biggest swap for light-hearted fun. Forget the entire cast that includes Dan and Rosie, because they all possibly wished they hadn't appeared in this picture ever since its first shooting. Best of all, you can forget this movie all in one piece. REJECTED.
I have seen many of the uber bad movies on the bottom 100: You Got Served, Glitter etc and I think this movie is up there with them. You Got Served and Glitter are obviously bad, but this movie is subtly the worst movie I have ever seen. I think that after Basic Instinct some Hollywood exec thought: "Hmm this is the next big thing, mainstream movies with tons of nudity and sex!" The problem with this thought is that a)that wasn't the next big thing and b) this movie has none of the traits of a mainstream movie. The acting in this movie is horrendous, aside from Rosie O'Donnell and Dan Aykroyd who play second fiddle to a couple of porn rate actors, the plot is awkward because it has to squeeze in so much sex and the directing kind of feels like a porn movie. The plot is the worst part, in my opinion, there are two distinct plots in the movie that intersect a couple of times and finally conclude concurrently. Nothing all that unusual there, but both plots are so meaningless and free from suspense that the only plot device evident is the switch between soft core sex scenes to Dan and Rosie standing around waiting for something to happen. The only reason to watch this movie is if you really need to see some nudity, and even the sex scenes are nothing special. Most are just standard soft core porn, only in order to pass it off as a "mainstream movie" even those are cut short. I vaguely remembered when this movie came out and I was pretty excited when it came on HBO, but it was so bad that I could barely go to sleep. If you have any choice in the matter WATCH SOMETHING ELSE!
- joebenaiah
- Apr 15, 2005
- Permalink
This is a movie that is okay and has a decent performance by Delaney and Ackroyd and the best role O'Donnell has had yet. There are those who hate this film and some who love it. Since it contains neither Pauly Shore nor Adam Sandler and not a trace of Bo Derek or Pia Zadora, it can't be as bad as so many think. It may not be Olivier doing Hamlet, but it beats Shatner playing Othello. Recommended for Dana Delaney and Rosie fans with the obligatory Hector Elizando appearance though he's done much better elsewhere.
- JamesHitchcock
- Apr 13, 2016
- Permalink
Taken on its own merits, absent of critical harangue and political implications, this is another breezy Garry Marshall serio-comedy which causes some self-examination along the way to many fine laughs. Rosie's fantasy to have her house painted is among the funniest things i've ever seen on film. I thought the contrast of the interplay between Mercurio and Delaney and between Ackroyd, O'Donnell and the crooks was expertly handled. I think Americans aren't used to the S&M subject being so cavalierly and matter-of-factly handled and objected to having it trivialized -- a shame, because most couples I know have enjoyed this comedy on its own merits.
- capitan_movie
- Aug 3, 2000
- Permalink
I watched this movie, having been a fan of Anne Rice's novels. I found that a few of the scenes did a good job of imagining what the book was suggesting. These were mostly trivial in the movie. I really enjoyed the story and managed to sit through the horrible overlapping story (All of Dan & Rosie's scenes) to catch a bit of the fantasy brought to the screen that had been in my head reading the book. I guess if it had been passed off as other than a comedy, it would have to be labeled pornography. The good parts of the movie show that this could have been a great project if they had attempted to stay close to the spirit of the novel.
This was a poor attempt, to be like a Benny Hill/Carry-on type Movie. It was a comedy with fetish. But it just didn't have a good on going sketch. ( Stand up comics do!!). Apart from some fetishes being all rolled into one. It did have its moments. A good movie to watch with your female friends but guys may not like it.
- Mercury-16
- May 19, 1999
- Permalink
I have looked at this movie at least forty times. It is sheer pleasure. Lots of laughs. I enjoyed seeing Dana Delaaney in a very different role than I have usually seen her. Paul Mercurio too I had only seen before in his profession as a dancer. He is a superb dancer.
At first I was surprised at the extent of nudity, but then realized, how else could they depict the island. Both Dana and Paul have great looking bodies and get to show them off throughout the movie. Paul's outstanding butt is highlighted in a scene between the two of them.
Clever was the scene involving the buttered croissants. Really good flick!!! JFC
At first I was surprised at the extent of nudity, but then realized, how else could they depict the island. Both Dana and Paul have great looking bodies and get to show them off throughout the movie. Paul's outstanding butt is highlighted in a scene between the two of them.
Clever was the scene involving the buttered croissants. Really good flick!!! JFC
- jcannon-13
- Jul 23, 2006
- Permalink
What could the producers of this film been thinking? That if they took an Ann Rice s&m novel, overlaid a crime thriller plot on top of it, and then cast comedic performers in the role of the police that it would add up to a movie greater than the sum of its parts? This smorgasbord of genres does end up being more than the sum of its parts, but going in the direction of greatly awful instead of greatly good.
What makes matters worse is all the talent that's wasted here, including Dan Ackroyd and the two charismatic leads, Dana Delany and Paul Mercurio. I sometimes think that for all their wealth, fame, and glamor, actors really do have the worst lives. During the film-making process they must trust to the judgment of their director and hope that everything they do (no matter how uncomfortable or embarrassing) is for a good purpose. Sadly here, Delaney and Mercurio's faith in their director, Garry Marshall, is badly misplaced. The two have to bare a lot of flesh before this movie is through (poor Dana even goes full frontal in one scene) and all for what? Performances that are potential career killers? Stars on the scale of Ackroyd can survive a flop even as bad as this and Marshall, after the success of "Runaway Bride", is sure to be around for a while. But Dana Delany has gone on to do nothing substantial since and Paul Mercurio (who recently "starred" in "The First 9 1/2 Weeks") looks to be entering soft-core limbo. What a waste.
What makes matters worse is all the talent that's wasted here, including Dan Ackroyd and the two charismatic leads, Dana Delany and Paul Mercurio. I sometimes think that for all their wealth, fame, and glamor, actors really do have the worst lives. During the film-making process they must trust to the judgment of their director and hope that everything they do (no matter how uncomfortable or embarrassing) is for a good purpose. Sadly here, Delaney and Mercurio's faith in their director, Garry Marshall, is badly misplaced. The two have to bare a lot of flesh before this movie is through (poor Dana even goes full frontal in one scene) and all for what? Performances that are potential career killers? Stars on the scale of Ackroyd can survive a flop even as bad as this and Marshall, after the success of "Runaway Bride", is sure to be around for a while. But Dana Delany has gone on to do nothing substantial since and Paul Mercurio (who recently "starred" in "The First 9 1/2 Weeks") looks to be entering soft-core limbo. What a waste.
Sometimes I just love to watch bad movies.
This is the WORST movie that Dan Aykroyd has ever been in. Rosie is NOT FUNNY, but she was the highlight of this piece of trash as she could at least manage to smile.
It was just incredible how poor the script was. HA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! HA! SCRIPT? HA ! BAH HA! LOL!
That couldn't be considered a script. It was HORRID. Garry Marshall? BAD MOVIE!
Oh my. I can't tell you how many plot holes this has. You could have a contest to count the plot holes. The one who gets the most wins.
This is only good to see if you want to see a good example of how NOT to make a movie.
This is the WORST movie that Dan Aykroyd has ever been in. Rosie is NOT FUNNY, but she was the highlight of this piece of trash as she could at least manage to smile.
It was just incredible how poor the script was. HA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! HA! SCRIPT? HA ! BAH HA! LOL!
That couldn't be considered a script. It was HORRID. Garry Marshall? BAD MOVIE!
Oh my. I can't tell you how many plot holes this has. You could have a contest to count the plot holes. The one who gets the most wins.
This is only good to see if you want to see a good example of how NOT to make a movie.
I remember seeing this in the cinema when it first came out. Friend and I didn't have a particular movie in mind to watch so just picked this when we got there.....big mistake.
Despite looking forward to a comedy, who wouldn't with the likes of Rosie O and Dan A starring, this left us completely flat.
We still talk about it to this day, although my friend did end up falling asleep as it was so boring. It has to be the least memorable movie I have ever watched.
The cinema was reasonably full when we went in and the only entertainment we had was watching the audience walk out. Only 6 of us made it to the end credits.
Despite looking forward to a comedy, who wouldn't with the likes of Rosie O and Dan A starring, this left us completely flat.
We still talk about it to this day, although my friend did end up falling asleep as it was so boring. It has to be the least memorable movie I have ever watched.
The cinema was reasonably full when we went in and the only entertainment we had was watching the audience walk out. Only 6 of us made it to the end credits.
- coeluracat
- Dec 16, 2021
- Permalink
i saw this film many years ago and have since mostly tried to block it out the memories of it. Unfortunately during a marathon session of psychotherapy this pile molten rat dung came to light, and i now blame it for ALL my social behavioral problems. To complain about acting, plot, direction, screen writing, et cetera, would completely miss the point and the central tragedy surrounding this film. At some point in time somebody thought it was a decent and sell-able idea to cut a handsome check to dan akroyrd (god bless him for elwood) and rosie o'donnell to put on bondage gear and strut around nude with bad wisecracks for the better part of a ninety minute movie. I'm not terribly original in my reviews of movies (nor anything in this life) and i don't think i'm the first in IMDb to point it out but there is a level of true masochism in casting photogenically impaired stars to star in a motion picture about sado-masochism and bondage. The irony (intended or not) can't be lost on people. This is truly one of the most awful things committed to film since Pink Flamingoes, which could always fall back on the cynical train wreck view of film as a reason to watch. No, someone took this seriously and perpetrated it in cold blood.
PS Dana Delaney is kinda hot.......
2 out of ten only because there is no zero and i was too lazy to make it to one....
PS Dana Delaney is kinda hot.......
2 out of ten only because there is no zero and i was too lazy to make it to one....
You've read it all before: Rosie & Aykroyd are awful.
The jokes are as lame as they get.
Garry Marshall is vying for the Ed Wood award for worst directors ever.
Dana is good, and naked ~ which basically makes this a must~see for her male fans.
Watch old "China Beach" reruns instead.
The jokes are as lame as they get.
Garry Marshall is vying for the Ed Wood award for worst directors ever.
Dana is good, and naked ~ which basically makes this a must~see for her male fans.
Watch old "China Beach" reruns instead.
It's 3 in the morning and I don't want to think much. Great time to watch this film. There's enough plot to keep you interested, without the need to catch every word on the way to avoid confusion. Too many movies take themselves too seriously - this adds a little slapstick which gives it just the bit of colour it needs.
Dan Aykroyd is as usual good, the filming is good, and for once Rosie O'Donnell entertained me more that annoying me (get more roles like this Rosie!! - the betty rubble / mother in law things make you look bad!)
I've read that some people think it's a 'silly' movie. They're right - it's supposed to be. Sit back and enjoy it!
Dan Aykroyd is as usual good, the filming is good, and for once Rosie O'Donnell entertained me more that annoying me (get more roles like this Rosie!! - the betty rubble / mother in law things make you look bad!)
I've read that some people think it's a 'silly' movie. They're right - it's supposed to be. Sit back and enjoy it!
- tim_simpson
- Dec 29, 2000
- Permalink
It wouldn't take much of an effort to find a funnier comedy than this mess, so please, take my word for it and avoid this film. It is simply a non-stop barrage of boring and/or stupid scenes, with laughs at a minimum and a great deal of talent horribly wasted. And the worst part is that they dragged this out for almost two hours...there wasn't even enough material here to make an entertaining half-hour sitcom. So once again, I strongly urge you not to waste your time with this misfire. Trust me.
Exit to Eden is really a movie with two plots. The first: combat photographer Elliot Slater travels to the sex-fantasy island of Eden to confront his aberrant sexual inclinations and, while on the island, begins a romance with Eden's head mistress, Mistress Lisa. The second plot: Detectives Fred Lavery and Sheila Kingston also travel to Eden pursuing supercriminals Nina and Omar, who are also on Eden to kill Elliot and retrieve the pictures he has taken of them. This is a well made movie with some laughs, sex, and bubbly romance.
Exit to Eden is Rated R for strong sexual content, nudity, mild language, brief gore, and some violence.
Exit to Eden is Rated R for strong sexual content, nudity, mild language, brief gore, and some violence.
This movie was silly, but that sure didn't keep me from enjoying it! It was fun and entertaining, and Dana Delany is to die for. The fact that she doesn't get naked every 5 seconds allows this movie to have somewhat of a plot and some character development as well, and keeps this movie from ending up boring or as just a cheap thrill. She does shed her clothes a couple of times, however, and it's worth it. She's gorgeous.
Could have been a great movie, but film makers appear to have been too afraid to take the S&M thing head on. Instead we get non-funny Rosie O'Donnell saying the dumbest one-liners I have heard in film history. Who thinks this woman is funny? I would rather stare at a blank wall than have to watch another Rosie O'Donnell flick. Please Rosie, have mercy on us and make no more movies and stay on your talk show that no one watches. Anyway, Dana Delaney looks quite sexy, but only one half interesting domination scene. Wimpy film.