Giancarlo Esposito credited as playing...
- Esteban: Where'd you come to find out about all these interesting developments?
- [no response]
- Esteban: Look, time is money and money is time little homey, and right now you are costing me a lot of both.
- Fresh: You gonna get mad.
- Esteban: Look, it would be very difficult to get me any madder than I am already.
- Esteban: [after coming back from killing James] So you gonna tell me that he's lying about James too, right?
- Nichole: I can see whoever I want.
- Esteban: No. Not exactly. Now you can see whoever you want, except for James. You can't see... you can't see him no more. Now maybe you can visit him in his new place of residence, but you know, I don't think he's going to be so much fun anymore.
- Esteban: [getting arrested after the cops found drugs under his mattress] You think I'm stupid enough to have two kilos lying around the fuckin' house? I've been set up, man!
- Esteban: [to Herbie] Chill, homes, and take it easy on the gas or I'ma stop the fuckin' car and cut your fuckin' foot off, you hear me?