When Screwface learns that Nesta and Jimmy Fingers are dead, he tilts the table where he was playing dominos, and one of the legs comes loose. He rips it out and uses it to hit one of his fellow Jamaicans. After his "I want Hatcher dead" speech, he throws the leg of the table to the ground (it can be heard), but in the next shot, the table has the leg again.
In the final scene, Hatch is seen carrying a body toward the camera with the feet on Hatch's left, head on his right. The scene cuts to show Hatch from behind and the body has instantly changed orientation with head and feet switched the other way.
John Hatcher's hand on Charles' shoulder when they talk before they start working on the weapons.
When John is driving to his mom's house at the start, the contents of his dashboard are different in internal and external shots.
Hatcher enters the emergency area of the hospital with a black jacket and leaves with the tiger jacket.
Real Chicago Police Department squad cars use all-blue roof light bars ("Mars lights"), not the combination red/blue light bars seen here.
There is no way that Max and Hatcher could have gotten their weapons on the flight to Jamaica to take revenge on Screwface, as airport security even at the time would never have allowed it. (There are scenes of Hatcher, Max and Charles disassembling the weapons and hiding them in camera equipment to be smuggled onto their flight.)
When Hatcher shoots Johnny Fingers in the head, there is no blood or hole visible in the first shot, in the next, there is.
Obvious stunt double during Hatcher's final showdown with Screwface.
When Hatcher is fighting the Jamaicans in the department store, he twists a guy's arm behind him and breaks his arm. In the next scene, you can see the man getting up from the ground, appearing to be struggling due to the pain. But the shape of his elbow is visible through the side of his jumpsuit, making it obvious that the dangling arm through his sleeve is fake.
In the department store fight, Hatcher drops the first Jamaican with a knife through the chest. Later, when Max enters the scene, the dead Jamaican can be seen lying in the background and his foot twitches once or twice.
After the car crashes into the mall, the people across the street don't move until they get their cue.
After Hatcher beheads Screwface, several crew members' hands are clearly seen at the screen's bottom holding onto Screwface's dummy body with poles as it lowers to the ground.
In the drive-by scene at Hatcher's house you can see the squibs and grey duct tape on the door as he is closing it from the inside.
When Hatcher is shooting at the Jamaicans in the mall, you can see a reflection of a crew member in a mirror leaning against a ladder
When John and Max are chasing the Jamaicans in the BMW through the park as the Jamaicans car jumps off the ground out of the park you can see a bunch of on lookers of people watching the scene being film, you can also see them when Johns car makes the jump out of the park.
In the car chase scene between the Blazer and the BMW, there are several palm trees in the background. The car chase scene is supposed to be in Chicago, but there are not any palm trees in Chicago. This must've really been downtown Los Angeles.