The very idea that there are a few comments here which deride the educational and artistic merit of "Pingu" leads me to believe that the writers did not watch the programs very carefully. The first thing that struck me about "Pingu" was that the program was intelligent and subversively educational. That is to say that it teaches without being obvious. In fact, in some ways it feels very un-PC, which is great because it feels much more genuine that most of the muck posing as "educational programming" or "children's programming" these days. What we deal with here are real emotions and situations that children encounter through play and family life. There is no fear of bringing in sadness, distress, jealousy, selfishness or recklessness into the mix whether in terms of Pingu's actions or the affects of his actions on others, and the show does not shy away from showing that even if he is a good-natured penguin he is still capable of being a real pill sometimes. In short, it is not syrupy but it is definitely sweet and more satisfying than the sugar coated nonsense that fills most of the television bandwidth.
Educationally, "Pingu" is loaded to the gills with social lessons that are all the more impressive for not being preachy. Perhaps this is why some people miss them, since we are used to smothering our kids with the obvious, but that heavy-handedness often results in a rebellious rejection to what is being shoved down a child's throat and the more subversive nature of "Pingu" makes it even more brilliant. Beyond that, "Pingu" serves as a remarkable language / communication tool that teaches more about language and expression than any other show I have seen without ever using real "words" in the process. Infants and toddlers can understand the interactions without the speaking, which may in turn make it easier for them to work on their own communication skills. I am constantly impressed by the range of emotion conveyed by the characters, as simple as much of it is.
Artistically, the program is genius. The animation is whimsical and fun and always inventive. And because of the level of intelligence and the lack of condescension it truly rises above mere entertainment. As an adult, I find it refreshing to see a program that does not speak down to me, does not pander to its "intended" audience, and leaves me satisfied after every viewing.