Conrad Bain credited as playing...
- Suzanne: Did you want some more cashews, Grandpa?
- Grandpa: Did I already have some?
- Grandma: [under her breath, to Aretha] He gets worse every day.
- Grandpa: Who gets worse? I heard that! Get off my back, woman! I wanna go home!
- Grandma: We're going home, dear.
- Grandpa: Not with you! I wanna go home.
- [smiles at Aretha]
- Grandpa: Are we going soon?
- Aretha: Soon, sir. Very, very soon.
- Grandpa: You know what my daddy did?
- Aretha: What?
- Grandpa: [confused] What were we talking about?
- Grandma: [under her breath, to Aretha] I told ya.
- Grandpa: I heard that! Get out my back, woman! Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap--that's all you do all the livelong day!
- [singing]
- Grandpa: And the farmer hauled another load away...
- [wanders off across the lawn]
- Grandma: [sighs] The other night he punched me when I was trying to put some clean pajamas on him.