- 90 Lost Minutes.com [Kurt Astbury]
- B and S About Movies [Sam Panico]
- Badmovies.org
- Blood Brothers [Eric Reifschneider]
- Digitally Obsessed! [Matt Serafini]
- Down Among the Z Movies [SteveQ]
- Dreamindemon.com [CPL CHUD]
- DVD Drive-In [Jason McElreath]
- DVD Talk [Ian Jane]
- DVD Talk [Kurt Dahlke]
- DVDActive [Gabriel Powers]
- Ed's Pop Culture Shack
- Feo Amante's Horror Thriller [E.C. McMullen Jr.]
- Gone with the Twins [The Massie Twins]
- HorrorTalk
- Life Between Frames [Cody Hamman]
- Micro-Shock.com
- Mondo Exploito [Mikey Ward]
- Movie Metropolis [Dean Winkelspecht]
- MOVIES and MANIA [critical overview]
- Rivets on the Poster [Mark Cole]
- Schlombies Filmbesprechungen [Schlombie]
- German
- Schokkend Nieuws [Gorehound]
- Dutch
- ScreenAnarchy [Peter Martin]
- Something Awful [Ben "Greasnin" Platt]
- The Bloody Pit of Horror [Justin McKinney]
- The Schlock Pit [Matty Budrewicz]
- The Tomb of Anubis
- Trash Film Guru [Ryan C.]
- TYTD - Syngenor
- Zisi Emporium for B Movies [Christopher Zisi]
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