Jodi Benson credited as playing...
- Tula: [about the future monkeybird queen, who's newly hatched] Awww! Isn't she cute, Ioz?
- Ioz: [Leans in to take a closer look at the baby, just to get his hair pulled] Oh! Charming! Just like Niddler!
- Niddler: [With the most exited voice] Really? Do you really think I resemble royalty?
- Ioz: No, monkeybird. But you're a royal pain!
- Ren: I can't ask you to continue with me on this dangerous quest. Name the port of your choice and I'll take you there.
- Ioz: Which way does the compass point?
- Ren: [Ren picks up the compass and spins it around] The second treasure of Rule... East!
- Tula: The east it is! For adventure!
- Ioz: For treasure!
- Ren: For Octopon!
- Niddler: For crying out loud! When are we gonna eat?