First off it does help to understand the story if you know this is the sequel to: "The Other Side of Midnight", so the characters of Noel, Larry, Demirious, and Cathy all were in TOSOM, one different is while TOSOM (both book and film) takes place before during and after WWII and MOM the book takes place right after TOSOM, MOM the Mini takes place in the modern age.
Poor Jane must have gotten a neck pain having to look up at Ken Howard.
One thing I hated is what Melina did to herself to frame her husband, (For those who haven't seen MOM, I won't say what it was)
Our Greek friend is a first class baddie (Played by Omar Shariff), more so than Raf Vilone who played him in TOSOM.
Paul Sand is first class as the office odd ball.