From the next room, Louison accidentally knocks the lamp's plug out of the electrical outlet as Aurore attempts to commit suicide in the bathtub while hammering the spring of Madame Plusse's bed, however, the establishing shot of Roger in the hallway outside Aurore's room shows that there is no room next to her apartment. Indeed, her apartment is the only one on the floor.
When Julie welcomes Louison in her room and we see her following him to the table she has no socks, when she brings him later into his room after he has fallen asleep she has socks.
The position of the tenant's flats changes throughout the film. The apartments are also much more spacious inside than in establishing shots from outside.
The hammer on the mailman's revolver falls *after* the revolver explodes. Since it would not have exploded until he attempted to fire it, the hammer should already be down at that point.
A modern nutritional facts label is visible on the container of pills which Aurore attempts to OD on.
Every time Julie plays the cello, the audio is behind what she plays. This is most visible in the first playing session when she is practising by playing C major up and down; the lag is several notes.
During Louison's first visit to Julie's apartment, she accidentally knocks over a vase which falls to the floor. There is no "crash" sound when the vase hits the floor and shatters.