Joan Plowright credited as playing...
Mrs Fisher
- Lotty: Did you know Keats?
- Mrs. Fisher: Keats! No I didn't, and I didn't know Shakespeare or Chaucer either.
- Mrs. Fisher: In my day husbands and beds were very seldom mentioned in the same breath. Husbands were taken seriously, as the only true obstacle to sin.
- Mrs. Fisher: All my dead friends don't seem worth reading tonight. They always say the same things. Good things, but always the same.
- Mellersh Wilkins: Lady Caroline, housekeeping for a party that includes my wife - you render me speechless! You do know she's the daughter of Lord Dester, THE Lord Dester?
- Mrs. Fisher: Ah! Well that accounts for it then. The botch-up her father made in his department during the war was a national scandal!
- Mellersh Wilkins: They never could actually prove anything.
- Mrs. Fisher: [to Lotty] I hope you're not in the habit of seeing dead people, however distinguished - it's not in the best of taste! I'm sure the last thing I would want to see is my late husband Mr. Fisher crossing the road in front of my house.
- Mrs. Fisher: That's a beautiful dress...
- Caroline: No I've had it a hundred years.
- Mrs. Fisher: ...but you must be very cold in it. Its easy to catch a chill here after dark. You look as if you had nothing on underneath.
- Caroline: I haven't.
- Mrs Fisher: I'm a perfect sharer of your holiday, Mrs. Arbuthnot. All I wish to do is sit in the shade and remember better days and better men.