Ken Foree credited as playing...
- Sheriff Ike Slayton: Brilliant plan, Colonel. Slaughter your own men, hand over more weapons to the convicts, maybe kill a few hostages along the way! What's your next masterplan? Nuke the town?
- Johnson: You're the one on the squad radio? Who the hell do you think you are, mister?
- Sheriff Ike Slayton: I'm a guy with a wife back in that town, you dumb son of a bitch!
- Billy: Save your breath, he can't hear you. Assholes don't have ears.
- Johnson: Ya know, you two have a serious attitude problem!
- Sheriff Ike Slayton: Now I'm just gonna ask you one more time. Where did he take the hostages?
- Smitty: Why don't you eat shit and die?
- Sheriff Ike Slayton: That was rude, Smitty! Don't you think, Billy?
- Billy: Extremely rude!
- [Ike has a crossbow]
- Billy: You know how to use that thing?
- Sheriff Ike Slayton: My mother was fullblooded Cherokee, it's in the genes.
- Billy: Allright Cochise.