Robin Bartlett credited as playing...
Mrs. Grober
- Haywood: [on speakerphone with Mrs. Grober] We're grateful for your linguistic services, but at this point Corben will just have to go it alone.
- Mrs Grober: Well then somebody has to call home. You must call his mother.
- Haywood: Mrs. Grober? Do you know... Mother?
- Mrs Grober: I certainly do.
- [Haywood eyes Larabee, who nervously shakes his head]
- Mrs Grober: And despite what you are saying, if I don't have Michael Corben by the end of this week, she is going to be one very unhappy lady!
- Haywood: Is that a threat, Mrs. Grober?
- Mrs Grober: French teachers do not threaten, Monsieur. They say, "S'il vous plait."
- Michael Corben: Thanks. Listen, I travel First Class all over the world and that was, by far, the best Julius Caesar salad I've ever had.
- 1st Class Stewardess: Well, it was my pleasure.
- Mrs Grober: [spots Michael; furious] Michael! Michael Corben! I know what you're up to. You are in big trouble, Mister! Excuse me.
- Ilsa Grunt: [shoves the crowd of people departing the plane] Out of the way. Move!
- Michael Corben: Can you help me?
- 1st Class Stewardess: Go quickly. I'll take care of her.
- [Mrs. Grober is attempting to reason with Zigesfeld, who has just kidnapped them]
- Mrs Grober: Look, this is all very fascinating, I'm sure, but, um, this is simply not on the schedule! You see, we were supposed to be in Dijonn this morning. You understand? Mustard land! And - and last night we were supposed to be in a eucastle in Straussberg...
- Zigesfeld: Shut up, you whining bitch!
- [Kent notices Mariska during the car chase]
- Kent: Look at that babe!
- Mrs Grober: Kent, stop looking at babes!
- Augustus Steranko: You! Who are you? Who sent you? How are you associated with Michael Corben?
- Mrs Grober: I-I'm Patricia Grober. I work for the Detroit municipal school system. Michael Corben is my student. Are you satisfied?
- Augustus Steranko: Don't toy with me, French Teacher!
- [on the phone with the French Teacher]
- Haywood: We are fully apprised of the situation. It is best if you forgot whatever it is you thought you saw.
- Mrs Grober: But-But how can I? We are talking about Michael Corben!
- Haywood: Mrs. Grober, are you sure you're completely aware of the full import of this situation?
- Mrs Grober: Of course I am! I am the French teacher! God, I'm gonna kill that kid!
- Lt. Col. Larabee: Keep her talking.
- Haywood: Oh, that won't be a problem!
- [Larabee summons an aide]
- Lt. Col. Larabee: I want all references to the operative called "the French Teacher." You go back twenty years if you have to.
- Kent: Michael, look who's here. Melissa Tyler.
- Michael Corben: Well, if you want her, take her.
- Kent: What, and lose my geek status?
- Michael Corben: Look Kent, you're sticking with me, all right? In the daytime, we'll do the French bait. You know, look at the statues and crap. But in the nighttime when the nerd patrol crashes, it's you and me, pal, on a Parisian babe safari, ok?
- Kent: What about Grober? She must've went nuts when she found out you were coming.
- Michael Corben: Don't worry about Grober, I can handle her.
- Mrs Grober: [Snatches Michael's sunglasses] Don't count on it. I'm gonna be on your ass every minute of this trip. I'm gonna be sitting next to you on the bus during the day and checking your room at night. You'll barely be able to take a leak without being right behind you. In fact, I even took the liberty of booking your seat on the plane right next to mine. I didn't see you in class all year, Mr. Corben. And if you want that credit, it's not coming easy. So, we're going to make up for lost time starting right now.
- [hands Michael a French learning booklet]
- Mrs Grober: Repetez. Je-m'appelle, Michael Corben.
- [Repeat. My name is Michael Corben]
- Mrs Grober: Class, follow me.
- [the French Club follows Mrs. Grober]
- Mrs Grober: [to Michael] Repetez!
- Michael Corben: Repetez. Je-m'appelle, Michael Corben.