Michael Siberry credited as playing...
- Michael Corben: So basically, you want me to blaze down to Aurnberg, hang out for a while, right? And keep an eye on this Steranko guy?
- Vendetta Galante: More or less.
- Michael Corben: Uh-huh. In this car?
- Vendetta Galante: Good luck.
- Richardson: Yes. Godspeed.
- Michael Corben: So, I can drive this baby outta here right now, right? Without you guys?
- Richardson: Um... yes.
- Richardson: Nasty business. I wonder how it happened.
- Michael Corben: The ticket. It had my name on it.
- Richardson: Of course.
- Michael Corben: I didn't wanna sit there.
- Richardson: Well, what else could you do?
- Michael Corben: Nothin'. I was just mindin' my own business, honest.
- Richardson: You're lucky to be alive. You know, if this was Spain, with their security, they'd have killed you for sure.
- Michael Corben: Listen, I'm an American citizen and I know my rights.
- Richardson: Oh, now, Corben, don't go asking for special privileges.
- Michael Corben: I wanna speak to the American embassy.
- Richardson: Relax, they already know you're here.
- Michael Corben: What'd they say?
- Richardson: They wished you good luck.